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Road route from Barlassina to Cislago

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Barlassina

Cycle through charming villages and lush landscapes


Discover the beauty of Lombardia on this 58 km road cycling route from Barlassina to Cislago, passing through Lainate, Legnano, and finally reaching Cislago. Enjoy the rich history and natural splendor of the region as you pedal through picturesque towns.

58 km
203 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Barlassina Village center
Barlassina: Kolesarjenje po razgibani pokrajini
Barlassina je majhno mesto v Lombardiji, primerno za kolesarjenje po lokalnih cestah. Pokrajina je razgibana in privlačna za kolesarje, ki iščejo raznolike terene. V bližini ni znanih kolesarskih točk ali vzponov.
Lainate's historic center is a treasure trove of architectural wonders and cultural landmarks.
Legnano delights visitors with its vibrant atmosphere and charming streets lined with cafes and boutiques.
Cislago is a peaceful town surrounded by lush greenery, offering a relaxing break for cyclists.
Barlassina serves as the starting point of this delightful road route, with its scenic vistas and tranquil ambiance.
Konec: Barlassina Village center
Barlassina: Kolesarjenje po razgibani pokrajini