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Lake Maggiore Circuit

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Cunardo

Experience the enchanting beauty of Lake Maggiore on this scenic road cycling route.


Pedal 53 km with 935 m of ascent, passing through highlights like Monte Biota and Porto Valtravaglia. Enjoy the serene lakeside views and charming villages along the way.

53 km
935 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Ferrera di Varese Village center
Cunardo: Odlična destinacija za kolesarje v Cunardu
Cunardo je idealna destinacija za kolesarje, saj nudi raznoliko pokrajino in različne težavnosti cest. Blizu so tudi slavni vzponi, ki privabljajo številne ljubitelje kolesarjenja.
Monte Biota617 mVrh
Admire the panoramic views from the summit of Monte Biota, overlooking Lake Maggiore.
Explore the historic town of Azzio, known for its medieval architecture and rich heritage.
Discover the beauty of Leggiuno, a hidden gem on the shores of Lake Maggiore.
Monte Brianza316 mVrh
Cycle through the picturesque village of Monte Brianza and soak in the local culture.
Rocca di Caldè373 mVrh
Visit Rocca di Caldè, a charming village with stunning views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
Porto ValtravagliaVas
Pedal through Porto Valtravaglia and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of this lakeside town.
Sas de la RondulaRazgledna točka
Marvel at the stunning rock formation of Sas de la Rondula, a natural wonder near Lake Maggiore.
Explore the quaint village of Mesenzana and experience the local culture and hospitality.
Konec: Ferrera di Varese Village center
Cunardo: Odlična destinacija za kolesarje v Cunardu