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Lago di Lugano Scenic Cycling Route

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Cunardo

Picturesque road cycling route with gentle ascent


Enjoy a leisurely 49 km ride with a total ascent of 794m, passing through Besano, Monte Sant'Elia, and Gaggiolo. Experience the beauty of Lago di Lugano and discover the quaint village of Boarezzo. The route offers a mix of flat terrain and rolling hills, perfect for a relaxing day of cycling in the Italian countryside.

49 km
794 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Cunardo Village center
Cunardo: Odlična destinacija za kolesarje v Cunardu
Cunardo je idealna destinacija za kolesarje, saj nudi raznoliko pokrajino in različne težavnosti cest. Blizu so tudi slavni vzponi, ki privabljajo številne ljubitelje kolesarjenja.
Start your journey in the charming village of Cunardo and explore its historic landmarks and scenic beauty.
Lago di LuganoJezero
Cycle along the shores of Lago di Lugano and take in the stunning views of the crystal-clear waters.
Discover the picturesque village of Besano and admire its historic architecture and charming streets.
Monte Sant'Elia674 mVrh
Climb the slopes of Monte Sant'Elia and enjoy the panoramic views from the top.
Pass through the village of Gaggiolo and experience its traditional Italian charm and friendly locals.
Monte Monarco854 mVrh
Explore the enchanting landscapes of Monte Monarco and enjoy the serene atmosphere of this natural paradise.
Monte Mondonico801 mVrh
Ascend to the summit of Monte Mondonico and be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
Discover the hidden gem of Boarezzo and experience the authentic Italian hospitality of this charming village.
Konec: Cunardo Village center
Cunardo: Odlična destinacija za kolesarje v Cunardu