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The Admont Loop

A road cycling route starting from Thal

Experience the stunning Admonter Kogel and explore the historic Burgruine Thal.


The Admont Loop is a scenic round-trip cycling route starting near Thal in Steiermark, Austria. With a total distance of 74 kilometers and an elevation gain of 865 meters, this road route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for well-trained amateur cyclists. As you cycle through picturesque landscapes, you will encounter various highlights along the way.

74 km
865 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Thal Village center
Thal: Cycling Paradise in the Steiermark Region of Austria
Thal is a beautiful locality located in the Steiermark region of Austria. For road and gravel cyclists, Thal offers a variety of scenic routes through picturesque countryside and charming villages. The region is known for its rolling hills, making it suitable for both leisurely rides and more challenging climbs. Nearby, cyclists can find the famous Plassnik Runde loop, which features stunning views and moderate difficulty. Overall, Thal is a cyclist's paradise, with plenty of opportunities for exploration and breathtaking scenery.
Admonter Kogel578 mPeak
Admonter Kogel, located at the 6-kilometer mark, offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Weinitzen, at the 15-kilometer mark, is a charming village with traditional Austrian architecture and quaint cafés.
Kainbach bei GrazVillage
Kainbach bei Graz, at the 25-kilometer mark, is known for its beautiful church and peaceful countryside.
Bucklberg543 mPeak
Bucklberg, at the 30-kilometer mark, is a small hill with a scenic viewpoint where you can take a break and enjoy the surrounding nature.
Prüfingberg459 mPeak
Prüfingberg, at the 45-kilometer mark, offers a challenging uphill section with rewarding views at the top.
Vasoldsberg, at the 45-kilometer mark, is a charming village with a historic castle and picturesque landscapes.
Feldkirchen bei GrazVillage
Feldkirchen bei Graz, at the 59-kilometer mark, is a vibrant town with a lively market square and traditional Austrian bakeries.
Florianiberg527 mPeak
Florianiberg, at the 63-kilometer mark, is a stunning hill known for its beautiful vineyards and panoramic views.
Gaisberg636 mPeak
Gaisberg, at the 71-kilometer mark, is a challenging climb with rewarding views of Graz and the surrounding countryside.
Burgruine ThalCastle
Burgruine Thal, located at both routes, is a fascinating medieval castle ruins nestled in the hills.
Finish: Thal Village center
Thal: Cycling Paradise in the Steiermark Region of Austria

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