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The Gösting Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Thal

Explore the historic Burgruine Gösting and enjoy the breathtaking views from Schlossberg in Graz.


The Gösting Adventure is a 40-kilometer road cycling route starting near Thal, Steiermark. With an elevation gain of 651 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will discover several highlights and explore the picturesque countryside.

40 km
651 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Thal Village center
Thal: Cycling Paradise in the Steiermark Region of Austria
Thal is a beautiful locality located in the Steiermark region of Austria. For road and gravel cyclists, Thal offers a variety of scenic routes through picturesque countryside and charming villages. The region is known for its rolling hills, making it suitable for both leisurely rides and more challenging climbs. Nearby, cyclists can find the famous Plassnik Runde loop, which features stunning views and moderate difficulty. Overall, Thal is a cyclist's paradise, with plenty of opportunities for exploration and breathtaking scenery.
Burgruine GöstingCastle
Burgruine Gösting, located at the 4-kilometer mark, is a historic castle ruin with a fascinating history.
Platte651 mPeak
Platte, at the 12-kilometer mark, is a viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Schlossberg474 mPeak
Schlossberg, at the 28-kilometer mark in Graz, is a prominent hill featuring a clock tower and offering breathtaking views of the city.
Graz, situated at the 29-kilometer mark, is the historic and cultural capital city of Styria boasting architectural landmarks and beautiful squares.
Kollerberg633 mPeak
Kollerberg, at the 35-kilometer mark, is a scenic area famous for its vineyards and culinary delights.
Burgruine ThalCastle
Burgruine Thal, located at both routes, showcases intriguing medieval castle ruins amidst the natural beauty of the landscape.
Finish: Thal Village center
Thal: Cycling Paradise in the Steiermark Region of Austria

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