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Gravel Route from Gouy-lez-Piéton

A gravel cycling route starting from Gouy-lez-Pieton

Off-road adventure through scenic countryside


This gravel route starting from Gouy-lez-Piéton takes cyclists on an 88 km off-road adventure through the beautiful Hainaut region in Belgium. With a total ascent of 478 meters, riders will traverse diverse landscapes including rural villages and expansive farmlands. The difficulty level of this route is moderate, making it suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. With a score of 3 for epicness, this quiet and picturesque route provides an immersive experience in nature.

88 km
478 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.
Gouy-lez-Piéton, situated in Belgium's province of Hainaut, offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel enthusiasts. The locality provides a mix of scenic routes and charming villages, allowing cyclists to explore the region's hidden gems. Gouy-lez-Piéton is located near the famous Mur de Picardie climb, known for its steep gradients and vigorous nature. Cyclists visiting Gouy-lez-Piéton can relish in challenging rides and immerse themselves in the rich Belgian cycling culture.
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Start your cycling journey in this charming village surrounded by lush green fields and peaceful countryside.
Baisy-Thy: Pass through this quaint village and enjoy the picturesque views of traditional houses and countryside scenery.
Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert: Ride through this small village known for its historic architecture and tranquil setting.
Corroy-Le-Château: Marvel at the imposing Château de Corroy and soak in the medieval charm of this village.
Heppignies: Take a break in this serene village and admire the combination of traditional and modern architecture.
Finish: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.

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