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The Road to Aulne

A road cycling route starting from Gouy-lez-Pieton

A road route leading to the scenic town of Aulne


This road route starting near Gouy-lez-Piéton is perfect for both beginner and experienced road cyclists. With a distance of 74 km and an elevation gain of 566m, the route offers a mix of flat terrain and gentle climbs. Cyclists will pass through Aulne, Labuissière, Buvrinnes, and Bellecourt, offering scenic views and charming townscapes. The route showcases the natural beauty of the region and is ideal for a leisurely ride.

74 km
566 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.
Gouy-lez-Piéton, situated in Belgium's province of Hainaut, offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel enthusiasts. The locality provides a mix of scenic routes and charming villages, allowing cyclists to explore the region's hidden gems. Gouy-lez-Piéton is located near the famous Mur de Picardie climb, known for its steep gradients and vigorous nature. Cyclists visiting Gouy-lez-Piéton can relish in challenging rides and immerse themselves in the rich Belgian cycling culture.
Aulne is a picturesque town known for its Abbey, which dates back to the 12th century.
Labuissière features a historic church, Église Saint-Martin, which offers a glimpse into the town's rich heritage.
Buvrinnes offers a peaceful ambiance with its quaint streets and well-preserved historic buildings.
Bellecourt is home to Église Saint-Julien, a beautiful church with stunning stained glass windows.
Finish: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.

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