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The Ultimate Road Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Gouy-lez-Pieton

Embark on an epic road journey with challenging climbs


For experienced cyclists seeking an ultimate road challenge, this route is a must-try. Covering a distance of 99 km and featuring a challenging ascent of 781m, this road offers a true test of endurance. Cyclists will pass through Familleureux, Écaussinnes, Bonhomme de fer - Repère géodésique, Beert, Bruine Put, Dworp, Ophain-Bois-Seigneur-Isaac, and Pont-à-Celles. This epic route rewards riders with stunning natural landscapes and iconic landmarks. It is reserved for adventurers seeking a legendary experience.

99 km
781 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.
Gouy-lez-Piéton, situated in Belgium's province of Hainaut, offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel enthusiasts. The locality provides a mix of scenic routes and charming villages, allowing cyclists to explore the region's hidden gems. Gouy-lez-Piéton is located near the famous Mur de Picardie climb, known for its steep gradients and vigorous nature. Cyclists visiting Gouy-lez-Piéton can relish in challenging rides and immerse themselves in the rich Belgian cycling culture.
Familleureux boasts the Chapel Notre-Dame-de-bon-Conseil, a remarkable example of 17th-century religious architecture.
Écaussinnes features the picturesque Église Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, a beautifully restored church with impressive stained glass windows.
Bonhomme de fer - Repère géodésique144 mPeak
Bonhomme de fer - Repère géodésique offers a unique geodetic marker that serves as a reference point for cartographic measurements.
Beert is home to Château de Ryan, a marvelous castle surrounded by greenery and lakes.
Bruine Put120 mPeak
Bruine Put is a beautiful natural area featuring wetlands, making it an ideal spot for birdwatching.
Dworp is located near the enchanting Sonien Forest, offering an immersive experience in nature.
Ophain-Bois-Seigneur-Isaac is known for its scenic castle, Château de l'Aulnois.
Pont-à-Celles provides a tranquil atmosphere with its elegant Château de l'Abbaye des Saints-Pierre-et-Paul.
Finish: Gouy-lez-Piéton Village center
Gouy-lez-Piéton: Conquering the thrilling Mur de Picardie climb near Gouy-lez-Piéton.

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