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Taubenstein Loop

A road cycling route starting from Burkhardtsdorf

An adventurous road cycling route with stunning views


The Taubenstein Loop is an exhilarating road cycling route starting near Burkhardtsdorf. With a total distance of 83 kilometers and an ascent of 1499 meters, this challenging route takes you through picturesque landscapes and offers extraordinary views. The highlight of this route is the Taubenstein, a rock formation that provides breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding areas.

83 km
1499 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Burkhardtsdorf Village center
Burkhardtsdorf: Idyllic cycling destination in Chemnitz
Burkhardtsdorf, located in the Chemnitz region of Germany, is a charming locality for road and gravel cycling. The region features scenic countryside and well-maintained cycling paths, providing a pleasant riding experience. The nearby Ore Mountains offer challenging climbs and stunning panoramic views. Burkhardtsdorf is a hidden gem for cyclists seeking peaceful and picturesque routes.
Taubenstein489 mPeak
The Taubenstein offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes, making it a must-visit spot for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts.
The Venusberg is a country-wide famous landmark known for its unique rock formations and scenic surroundings.
Ziegenrücken564 mPeak
Ziegenrücken, with its stunning vistas, is a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Mildenau is a charming village located along the route, offering an opportunity to explore its historical heritage and local culture.
Schlettau is a picturesque town known for its well-preserved medieval castle and a great place to stop and immerse yourself in history.
Aussichtsfelsen731 mViewpoint
Aussichtsfelsen is a popular lookout point that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
Auerbach, ErzgebirgeVillage
Auerbach, Erzgebirge, known for its charming atmosphere and traditional architecture, is a must-visit destination along this route.
Finish: Burkhardtsdorf Village center
Burkhardtsdorf: Idyllic cycling destination in Chemnitz

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