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Crottendorf and Hundsmarter Road Circuit

A road cycling route starting from Burkhardtsdorf

An adventurous road cycling route with Crottendorf and Hundsmarter as highlights


This challenging road cycling route near Burkhardtsdorf offers an adventurous journey through the region. Cyclists will experience a significant ascent of 1152 meters over a distance of 73 kilometers. Highlights of the route include picturesque towns such as Crottendorf and Hundsmarter, known for their traditional architecture and stunning natural surroundings. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling and scenic adventure.

73 km
1152 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Burkhardtsdorf Village center
Burkhardtsdorf: Idyllic cycling destination in Chemnitz
Burkhardtsdorf, located in the Chemnitz region of Germany, is a charming locality for road and gravel cycling. The region features scenic countryside and well-maintained cycling paths, providing a pleasant riding experience. The nearby Ore Mountains offer challenging climbs and stunning panoramic views. Burkhardtsdorf is a hidden gem for cyclists seeking peaceful and picturesque routes.
Kreyerberg603 mPeak
Explore Kreyerberg, a scenic hilltop viewpoint that provides a panoramic vista of the surrounding countryside.
Visit Ehrenfriedersdorf, a historic town known for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture and charming city center.
Schreckenberg649 mViewpoint
Make a stop at Schreckenberg, a famous local landmark and lookout point offering breathtaking views of the Ore Mountains.
Discover Crottendorf, a picturesque town nestled in the Erzgebirge with traditional half-timbered houses and stunning views.
Hundsmarter848 mPeak
Visit Hundsmarter and enjoy its unspoiled natural beauty, featuring lush meadows and pristine forests.
Witness the beauty of Markersbach, renowned for its impressive dam and stunning reservoir views.
Cycle through Zwönitz, a charming town famous for its historic market square and exceptional industrial heritage.
Schäferberg565 mPeak
Stop by Schäferberg, a scenic viewpoint that offers sweeping views of the rolling hills and charming villages.
Mühlberg515 mPeak
Explore Mühlberg, a well-preserved medieval village with cobblestone streets and a picturesque castle overlooking the town.
Finish the route in Burkhardtsdorf and soak in the local charm and hospitality, while enjoying the serene natural surroundings.
Finish: Burkhardtsdorf Village center
Burkhardtsdorf: Idyllic cycling destination in Chemnitz

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