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Adelsberg Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Gelenau

Embark on an epic gravel adventure around Adelsberg


This gravel route takes you on a thrilling adventure through the rugged terrain surrounding Adelsberg. With challenging climbs and technical descents, it's a route suited for experienced gravel riders seeking an exhilarating experience. The stunning landscapes and unique geological features along the way add to the overall epicness of the ride.

49 km
1047 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gelenau/Erzgebirge Village center
Gelenau: Conquer the Peaks of Chemnitz
Gelenau is a town located in the Chemnitz region of Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Gelenau offers a mix of challenging climbs and stunning countryside scenery. The area is known for its hilly terrain, offering plenty of opportunities for ascents and exhilarating descents. Nearby, cyclists can explore the Ore Mountains, which are home to iconic climbs like the Fichtelberg, the highest peak in the region. Gelenau itself is often used as a base for cycling tours and events in the area. With its mountainous landscapes and renowned climbing spots, Gelenau is a must-visit place for cycling enthusiasts.
Kleinolbersdorf is a small village with traditional charm. As you pass through, take a moment to appreciate the traditional architecture and tranquil surroundings.
Adelsberg508 mPeak
Adelsberg is known for its vast underground natural cave system. While cycling, you can catch glimpses of the rocky outcrops and marvel at the unique geological formation of the region.
Pfaffstein is a prominent hilltop that offers stunning panoramic views of the Ore Mountains. The challenging ascent to the top is rewarded with breathtaking vistas.
Augustusburg is home to a magnificent castle that dates back to the 16th century. Take a moment to appreciate the grandeur of this architectural masterpiece.
Zschopau is a charming town with a rich history and picturesque architecture. Explore the town and learn about its cultural heritage.
Affenstein is a rock formation that resembles the shape of a monkey. It's a natural landmark that adds a touch of whimsy to this adventurous route.
Kegelsberg525 mPeak
Kegelsberg is a local favorite among cyclists, known for its challenging climb. If you're up for the challenge, make sure to tackle this epic climb on the route.
Gelenau/Erzgebirge is a charming town that serves as the starting and ending point of the route. Explore the local attractions and treat yourself to a well-deserved meal.
Finish: Gelenau/Erzgebirge Village center
Gelenau: Conquer the Peaks of Chemnitz

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