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Gelenau Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Gelenau

Indulge in the enchanting Gelenau Loop with its captivating highlights and breathtaking views.


Embark on an exhilarating journey through the picturesque landscapes surrounding Gelenau. This scenic loop offers a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility, taking you through quaint villages, dense forests, and rolling hills. Whether you choose a gravel or road bike, this route will surely astonish you with its diverse terrain, splendid sights, and charming attractions.

63 km
1359 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Gelenau/Erzgebirge Village center
Gelenau: Conquer the Peaks of Chemnitz
Gelenau is a town located in the Chemnitz region of Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Gelenau offers a mix of challenging climbs and stunning countryside scenery. The area is known for its hilly terrain, offering plenty of opportunities for ascents and exhilarating descents. Nearby, cyclists can explore the Ore Mountains, which are home to iconic climbs like the Fichtelberg, the highest peak in the region. Gelenau itself is often used as a base for cycling tours and events in the area. With its mountainous landscapes and renowned climbing spots, Gelenau is a must-visit place for cycling enthusiasts.
As you traverse Grießbach, take a moment to admire the idyllic beauty of the countryside and the peaceful silence that surrounds you.
Affenstein, renowned for its rugged rock formations and panoramic views, offers a memorable stop along the route, providing a great opportunity to capture some stunning photographs.
Fabrikberg589 mPeak
Climb up Fabrikberg, where you'll be rewarded with mesmerizing vistas of the surrounding hills and valleys, showcasing the true splendor of the region.
Reifland invites you to pause and immerse yourself in its rich history, as you explore the remnants of ancient ruins and envision the lives lived here long ago.
Pockau treats riders with its charming architecture, featuring traditional timber-framed houses, blooming gardens, and a tranquil atmosphere that transports you to a bygone era.
Brandhübel610 mPeak
Although briefly passing at the summit, Brandhübel offers a splendid view of Gelenau and its striking surroundings.
Venture through Lauta, a historic town known for its remarkable architecture, encompassing ancient churches and imposing buildings of cultural significance.
Finish: Gelenau/Erzgebirge Village center
Gelenau: Conquer the Peaks of Chemnitz

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