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Cycling Paradise in Oberfranken

Cycling routes from Eggolsheim

Eggolsheim is a small locality in Oberfranken, Germany. With its rolling hills and picturesque countryside, Eggolsheim offers a delightful cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The region is well-known among cyclists for its challenging climbs, including the famous Ochsenkopf climb. The roads in and around Eggolsheim are well-maintained, making it a cycling-friendly area. With its stunning landscapes and quiet country lanes, Eggolsheim attracts both local and international cyclists. Whether you're looking for a leisurely ride or a more challenging adventure, Eggolsheim has something to offer cyclists of all abilities.

Discover the beauty of Hallerndorf and Hirschaid

112 km
681 m

This cycling route takes you on a journey through the scenic landscapes of Hallerndorf and Hirschaid. Starting in Hallerndorf, known for its traditional half-timbered houses and breweries, the route offers a mix of flat and hilly sections. Highlights along the way include Adelsdorf, a picturesque village with charming streets and beautiful architecture. Another highlight is Lauberberg, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Overall, this route provides a pleasant cycling experience through the quaint villages and natural beauty of Oberfranken.

Embark on a scenic gravel adventure through Oberfranken

56 km
1016 m

Experience the beauty of Oberfranken with this 56 km scenic gravel adventure. Discover the diverse landscapes and charming towns as you tackle a moderate ascent of 1016 meters. Enjoy the thrill of off-road cycling amidst pristine natural surroundings.

Experience the beauty of Forchheim and conquer the challenging climb to Eichelberg on this gravel adventure.

82 km
532 m

This gravel route takes you through the scenic landscapes near Eggolsheim. With a total distance of 82 kilometers and an ascent of 532 meters, it offers a moderate challenge. Highlights include Forchheim, Möhrendorf, Obermichelbach, Heßdorf, Eichelberg, Rabensberg, and finally Eggolsheim. Ideal for intermediate riders seeking a diverse and enjoyable gravel ride.

Discover the charm of Wiesenthau with this scenic gravel route

43 km
834 m

Embark on a 43 km gravel biking adventure and discover the hidden charm of Wiesenthau. This route offers moderate difficulty, with an ascent of 834 meters. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region and explore the picturesque landscapes along the way.

Exploring the scenic landscapes of Hallerndorf

54 km
194 m

This cycling route takes you through the charming town of Hallerndorf, known for its picturesque landscapes and historic architecture. The route offers a mix of flats and rolling hills, providing a moderate level of difficulty for cyclists. Highlights along the way include a visit to Hallerndorf, where you can admire its traditional half-timbered houses and enjoy a refreshing local beer at one of its breweries. Another highlight is Kirchberg, a small village with a beautiful church and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Overall, this route offers a pleasant cycling experience through the quaint villages and natural beauty of Oberfranken.

Embark on a challenging journey through Eggolsheim

86 km
1014 m

This cycling route is perfect for those seeking a challenge, as it includes some steep climbs and descents. Starting in Eggolsheim, the route takes you through scenic landscapes and charming villages. Highlights along the way include Dragonerspitz, a popular viewpoint offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Another highlight is Hollfeld, a historic town with a picturesque market square and ancient castle ruins. This route is recommended for experienced cyclists who enjoy a mix of challenging terrain and beautiful scenery. Overall, it offers a rewarding cycling experience through the diverse landscapes of Oberfranken.

Embark on the ultimate road cycling adventure in Oberfranken

135 km
2121 m

Experience the thrill of the ultimate road cycling adventure in Oberfranken. This 135 km route is not for the faint-hearted, with a challenging ascent of 2121 meters. Prepare yourself for a physically demanding journey through varied terrain and picturesque landscapes.

Explore the natural beauty and historic landmarks of Oberfranken

59 km
1069 m

This cycling route combines scenic landscapes with historic landmarks, offering a perfect blend of nature and culture. Starting in Ebermannstadt, the route takes you through charming villages and stunning natural scenery. Highlights along the way include the Wallerwarte, a lookout point offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Another highlight is Wichsenstein, a unique rock formation with historical significance. Overall, this route provides an enjoyable cycling experience for both nature lovers and history enthusiasts.

A scenic gravel route with a climb to Dragonerspitz and a visit to the quaint village of Königsfeld.

80 km
1357 m

This gravel route offers stunning views and challenging climbs. Starting near Eggolsheim, you'll ride through beautiful countryside, passing highlights such as Dragonerspitz, Kälberberg, and Königsfeld. The route boasts a total ascent of 1357 meters over 80 kilometers. It is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for an adventure.

Experience the thrill of gravel cycling in Oberfranken

48 km
368 m

This gravel cycling route offers a thrilling adventure through the diverse landscapes of Oberfranken. Starting in Schlammersdorf, the route takes you through off-road trails and quiet country roads. Highlights along the way include Rabensberg, a popular landmark offering panoramic views of the picturesque surroundings. Another highlight is Adelsdorf, a charming village with traditional Bavarian architecture. Overall, this route provides a unique and exciting cycling experience for those who enjoy gravel riding and exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations.

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