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Heinersdorfer Höhe and Lehesten Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Pressig

Experience the stunning heights of Heinersdorfer Höhe and the beautiful town of Lehesten on this gravel cycling route


Embark on an exciting cycling adventure through scenic landscapes and picturesque towns. This circular route showcases the breathtaking Heinersdorfer Höhe, a perfect spot for taking in panoramic views. As you continue, you'll pass through Probstzella, known for its charming architecture, before reaching the notable Leutenberg with its historic charm. Push your limits as you conquer the challenging Rodaer Berg and Wetzstein climbs. Finally, enjoy the tranquility of Pfaffenberg and the peacefulness of Pressig.

84 km
1613 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Welitsch Village center
Pressig: Tranquility and nature in Oberfranken, Germany
Pressig, located in Oberfranken, Germany, is a scenic locality for road and gravel cycling. The region features picturesque landscapes with rolling hills and dense forests. Cyclists can enjoy peaceful routes that take them through idyllic villages and along serene rivers. Pressig itself is a tranquil town with traditional Bavarian charm. Nearby, cyclists can tackle the famous climb of Geiersberg. Overall, Pressig offers a pleasant cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists.
Heinersdorfer Höhe664 mPeak
Reach the summit of Heinersdorfer Höhe and marvel at the sweeping vistas stretching as far as the eye can see.
Take a detour to Kehlbach and discover the idyllic charm of this quaint village.
Explore the architectural beauty of Probstzella, with its impressive buildings and historical landmarks.
Schabs400 mPeak
Stop by Schabs and immerse yourself in the peaceful charm of this scenic countryside.
Experience the rich history and cultural heritage of Leutenberg, a town with a captivating atmosphere.
Rodaer Berg506 mPeak
Challenge yourself with the steep gradients of Rodaer Berg, a climb that rewards with scenic views.
Visit Lehesten, a town known for its impressive historical buildings and tranquil ambiance.
Wetzstein792 mPeak
Discover the fascinating geological formation of the Wetzstein rock formation.
Pfaffenberg616 mPeak
Unwind and revel in the peaceful surroundings of Pfaffenberg.
Experience the serenity of Pressig and enjoy a moment of tranquility in this charming town.
Finish: Welitsch Village center
Pressig: Tranquility and nature in Oberfranken, Germany

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