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Roads and Countryside

A road cycling route starting from Marcallo

A scenic road cycling route near Marcallo


Experience the beauty of Marcallo and its surrounding countryside with Roads and Countryside. This 66 km road cycling route offers breathtaking views and a moderate ascent of 180 meters. Explore Arconate, Cantalupo, and Magenta as you pedal through rolling hills and charming Italian villages. The smooth road surface makes this route ideal for road cyclists seeking a leisurely yet scenic ride.

66 km
180 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Magenta City center
Marcallo: Cycling Paradise in Lombardia, Italy
Marcallo, situated in the Lombardia region of Italy, is a gem for road and gravel cyclists. The locality offers a perfect blend of rolling hills, vineyards, and historical charm, making it a cyclist's dream destination. With its predominantly flat terrain, Marcallo provides ideal conditions for cyclists looking for leisurely rides or intense training sessions. The locality is surrounded by famous cycling routes, such as the Borromean Islands Loop and the Ticino River Cycle Path, offering breathtaking views and cultural attractions along the way. Marcallo is also in close proximity to the legendary climbs of the Italian Alps, including the Stelvio Pass and the Mortirolo Pass, making it an excellent base for cycling enthusiasts.
Arconate is known for its historic center and beautiful Renaissance-style buildings.
Cantalupo is a quaint village surrounded by picturesque vineyards and olive groves.
Magenta is famous for its stunning Cathedral of San Martino and vibrant cultural events.
Finish: Magenta City center
Marcallo: Cycling Paradise in Lombardia, Italy

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