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Monte Robbio Challenge: Conquer the Mountain

A road cycling route starting from Osnago

Embark on a challenging journey up Monte Robbio and experience the thrill of conquering Lombardia's legendary peak.


The Monte Robbio Challenge is not for the faint-hearted. This demanding cycling route takes you up the slopes of Monte Robbio, one of Lombardia's most legendary peaks. The difficulty level is high, making it the perfect challenge for highly trained amateurs seeking an adrenaline-pumping adventure. Along the way, you'll encounter stunning scenery and picturesque towns that showcase the beauty of Lombardia.

70 km
289 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Osnago Village center
Osnago: Cycling adventures await in Osnago, Italy
Located in Lombardia, Italy, Osnago is a delightful locality for both road and gravel cyclists. The region offers a mix of challenging hills and flat stretches, catering to cyclists of varying skill levels. Cycling through Osnago allows riders to soak in the natural beauty of the Lombardian landscapes and pass through charming villages along the way. Nearby, cyclists can take on the legendary climb of Passo ai Maniva, a must-visit spot for cycling enthusiasts. With its scenic routes and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Osnago earns a rank of 4.
Monte Robbio370 mPeak
Monte Robbio offers a demanding ascent that rewards climbers with breathtaking views from the top. Take a moment to catch your breath and admire the majestic panorama that stretches out before you.
Calusco d'AddaVillage
Calusco d'Adda is a charming town nestled on the banks of the Adda River. Explore its narrow streets and historic landmarks before continuing your epic journey up Monte Robbio.
Boltiere is a picturesque village with a rich history and captivating beauty. As you cycle through its streets, take the time to appreciate the unique charm and traditional architecture.
Basiano offers a mix of historical landmarks and natural beauty. Visit its impressive castle and enjoy the serene ambiance of the surrounding parks and gardens.
Sulbiate is a tranquil town surrounded by lush greenery and pristine rivers. Take a moment to rejuvenate and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere before embarking on the challenging climb to Monte Robbio.
Finish: Osnago Village center
Osnago: Cycling adventures await in Osnago, Italy

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