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Urgnano Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Verdello

Discover the wild beauty of Lombardia on this gravel route through Urgnano


Embark on an exhilarating gravel adventure through the stunning foothills of Lombardia. This route takes you through the picturesque villages of Pontoglio, Covo, and Castel Liteggio while providing breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. With a manageable ascent of 110m and a total distance of 69km, this is the perfect ride for gravel enthusiasts looking to explore the region's hidden gems.

69 km
110 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.
Verdello is a small locality situated in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Verdello offers moderate cycling opportunities. The roads are mainly paved and in good condition, suitable for road cycling. The area surrounding Verdello is characterized by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it an ideal destination for recreational cycling. One well-known attraction nearby is the Basilica Madonna della Gamba, a popular pilgrimage site that can be incorporated into a cycling route. Overall, Verdello provides a pleasant cycling experience with some scenic routes available.
Stop in Urgnano to admire its charming medieval castle and explore its rich history.
Pontoglio offers cyclists a glimpse into the area's industrial heritage, with its old spinning mills.
Covo is known for its beautiful 18th-century villa and scenic landscapes.
Castel LiteggioVillage
Castel Liteggio, a fortified castle dating back to the 13th century, is a must-visit during your ride.
Finish: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.

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