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Robbiate Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Verdello

Experience the thrill of cycling through the rugged terrain of Robbiate on this gravel adventure


Get ready for an exhilarating gravel adventure through the untamed beauty of Robbiate. This 59km route takes you through breathtaking landscapes and introduces glimpses of Lombardia's remote beauty. Along the way, you'll encounter challenging climbs, including Monte Robbio and Col Scarlasc, as well as picturesque villages like Ambivere and Cisano Bergamasco. Embrace the epicness of the Lombardian countryside with this gravel adventure, suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a heart-pounding experience.

59 km
526 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.
Verdello is a small locality situated in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Verdello offers moderate cycling opportunities. The roads are mainly paved and in good condition, suitable for road cycling. The area surrounding Verdello is characterized by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it an ideal destination for recreational cycling. One well-known attraction nearby is the Basilica Madonna della Gamba, a popular pilgrimage site that can be incorporated into a cycling route. Overall, Verdello provides a pleasant cycling experience with some scenic routes available.
Brembate is known for its historical and cultural heritage, with the opportunity to explore its charming streets and architecture.
Monte Robbio370 mPeak
Monte Robbio offers cyclists a thrilling ascent with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Robbiate's old town center is a hidden gem, with winding streets and picturesque squares.
Cisano BergamascoVillage
Cisano-Bergamasco is a delightful village nestled amidst the rolling hills, offering captivating views and a rich history.
Col Scarlasc587 mPeak
Col Scarlasc challenges cyclists with a demanding climb, rewarding them with expansive vistas along the way.
Ambivere is renowned for its cultural heritage, with historic buildings dating back centuries and a vibrant local community.
Treviolo, with its charming architecture and picturesque landscapes, is a must-visit during your gravel adventure.
Levate offers cyclists the chance to experience Lombardian village life and immerse themselves in the local culture.
Finish: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.

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