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Verdello to Basiano and Olginate

A road cycling route starting from Verdello

Challenge yourself with a hilly road route


This challenging road cycling route starting near Verdello takes you through hilly terrain with breathtaking views. Highlights include Basiano, known for its beautiful town square and historic buildings; Arcore, where you can explore the stunning Villa Borromeo d'Adda with its expansive gardens; and Olginate, where you can relax by the lake and enjoy the picturesque scenery. The route offers a high level of difficulty and epicness, perfect for experienced cyclists looking for a thrilling adventure in Lombardia.

103 km
806 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Verdellino Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.
Verdello is a small locality situated in Lombardia, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Verdello offers moderate cycling opportunities. The roads are mainly paved and in good condition, suitable for road cycling. The area surrounding Verdello is characterized by rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it an ideal destination for recreational cycling. One well-known attraction nearby is the Basilica Madonna della Gamba, a popular pilgrimage site that can be incorporated into a cycling route. Overall, Verdello provides a pleasant cycling experience with some scenic routes available.
Basiano's town square is a great place to take a break and immerse yourself in the local atmosphere. Admire the beautiful buildings and enjoy a coffee at one of the outdoor cafes.
Arcore is home to the magnificent Villa Borromeo d'Adda, a grand palace surrounded by lush gardens. Take some time to explore the grounds and marvel at the architectural beauty.
Besana in BrianzaTown
Besana in Brianza is a charming town nestled in the hills. Wander through its narrow streets and discover hidden cultural treasures, including historic churches and beautiful architecture.
Bulciago offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Stop by one of the scenic viewpoints and take a moment to soak in the natural beauty.
Poggio Stolegarda300 mPeak
Poggio Stolegarda is a challenging climb that rewards cyclists with panoramic views at the top. Test your climbing abilities and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.
Olginate is located by Lake Como, providing a beautiful backdrop for relaxation. Spend some time by the lake shore and take in the tranquility of the surroundings.
Monte Santa Margherita629 mPeak
Monte Santa Margherita is a legendary climb that has been featured in professional cycling races. Attempt this challenging ascent and experience the thrill of conquering a famous climb.
Ponte San PietroTown
Ponte San Pietro is a charming town located on the banks of the Adda River. Explore its historic center and enjoy a waterfront lunch at one of the local restaurants.
Osio SopraVillage
Osio Sopra is a picturesque village with a delightful old town center. Stroll through its streets and take in the quaint atmosphere of this Lombardian gem.
Finish: Verdellino Village center
Verdello: Rolling hills and picturesque landscapes make Verdello a great choice for recreational cycling.

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