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Umbrian gravel challenge

A gravel cycling route starting from Deruta

Embark on a challenging gravel ride through the scenic landscapes of Umbria.


Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping gravel adventure in the beautiful region of Umbria. This challenging round-trip route starts near Deruta and covers a distance of 86 kilometers with an ascent of 1994 meters. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Torgiano, a town known for its fine wines, and Assisi, famous for its stunning basilica. The route also takes you through picturesque villages like Cannara and Castelleone, offering breathtaking views at every turn. With a difficulty rating of 4 out of 5, this route is best suited for experienced riders who crave a thrilling cycling experience in the heart of Umbria.

86 km
1994 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Deruta Village center
Deruta: Deruta: Captivating cycling and artistic treasures.
Deruta, located in the Umbria region of Italy, is a cyclist's paradise off the beaten path. This enchanting town is famous for its ceramics, but it also offers remarkable cycling opportunities amidst its beautiful surroundings. Road and gravel cyclists can explore routes that wind through tranquil countryside, olive groves, and charming villages. Deruta provides a peaceful and scenic cycling experience where you can immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes and cultural heritage of the region. With its idyllic setting and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Deruta is a hidden gem for cyclists seeking authenticity and natural beauty.
Visit Torgiano and indulge in its renowned wine culture, with opportunities for wine tasting and vineyard tours.
Punto panoramico sulla Basilica di AssisiViewpoint
Marvel at the panoramic view of the Basilica di Assisi from a scenic viewpoint along the route.
Explore Assisi, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and marvel at its magnificent basilica.
Pass through Armenzano, a charming village known for its beautiful stone houses.
Monte Pasano786 mPeak
Experience the breathtaking views from the top of Monte Pasano, a hill offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape.
Discover Cannara and its historical attractions, including churches and ancient ruins.
Monte Le Cinque Querce646 mPeak
Climb up Monte Le Cinque Querce and enjoy the stunning views of the Umbrian countryside.
Visit Castelleone and marvel at its medieval fortress, perched on a hilltop.
Finish: Deruta Village center
Deruta: Deruta: Captivating cycling and artistic treasures.

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