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Challenging Road Route near Deruta

A road cycling route starting from Deruta

A challenging road route with stunning views


Prepare yourself for an epic cycling adventure with this challenging road route near Deruta. With a total ascent of 2070 meters and a distance of 134 kilometers, it is perfect for experienced cyclists seeking a true test of their skills. The route takes you through diverse landscapes and passes by several highlights that offer breathtaking views and unique experiences.

134 km
2070 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Deruta Village center
Deruta: Deruta: Captivating cycling and artistic treasures.
Deruta, located in the Umbria region of Italy, is a cyclist's paradise off the beaten path. This enchanting town is famous for its ceramics, but it also offers remarkable cycling opportunities amidst its beautiful surroundings. Road and gravel cyclists can explore routes that wind through tranquil countryside, olive groves, and charming villages. Deruta provides a peaceful and scenic cycling experience where you can immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes and cultural heritage of the region. With its idyllic setting and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Deruta is a hidden gem for cyclists seeking authenticity and natural beauty.
Pila is a small village with charming stone houses and narrow streets. Stop by a local cafe to taste the authentic Umbrian cuisine and soak in the traditional atmosphere.
Corciano is a medieval hilltop town with well-preserved fortifications and stunning views of the surrounding valley. Explore its narrow alleys and visit the picturesque Piazza della Repubblica.
Monte Gudiolo575 mPeak
Monte Gudiolo is a challenging climb that rewards cyclists with panoramic views of the Umbrian countryside. Take a moment to catch your breath and capture the beauty of the landscape.
Pian d'AssinoHamlet
Pian d'Assino offers breathtaking views of Lake Trasimeno and the surrounding hills. Enjoy a peaceful break and appreciate the natural beauty of the area.
Ponte d'AssiVillage
Ponte d'Assi is a charming stone bridge that spans over a tranquil river. Admire the architectural details and relax in the serene atmosphere.
Toppo della Rosa650 mPeak
Toppo della Rosa is a legendary climb known for its steep gradients and challenging hairpin bends. Conquer the ascent and enjoy the sense of accomplishment at the top.
Piazza NuovaViewpoint
Piazza Nuova is a vibrant square in Assisi, filled with cafes, shops, and historic buildings. Take a moment to soak in the lively atmosphere and explore the local attractions.
Bettona is a charming hilltop town with well-preserved medieval walls and a maze of narrow streets. Wander through its historic center and discover hidden architectural gems.
Deruta is famous for its traditional ceramics. Visit a local workshop to learn about the craftsmanship and admire the intricate designs.
Finish: Deruta Village center
Deruta: Deruta: Captivating cycling and artistic treasures.

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