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Peaceful rides through scenic rural landscapes.

Cycling routes from Carrizo de la Ribera

Carrizo de la Ribera is a locality in Castilla y León, Spain. It is a small town surrounded by beautiful rural landscapes, making it a peaceful destination for road and gravel cyclists. The region offers a mix of flat and rolling terrain, providing varied cycling routes for different skill levels. Cyclists can enjoy the quiet countryside, passing through charming villages and soaking in the natural beauty. While there are no famous cycling-related spots or climbs in the immediate vicinity, Carrizo de la Ribera offers a pleasant and enjoyable cycling environment for those seeking tranquility.

Immerse yourself in the charming countryside of León on this 95 km road cycling route.

95 km
1023 m

Explore the scenic beauty of León's countryside as you pedal through picturesque villages and rolling hills. This 95 km route, with an ascent of 1023 meters, is recommended for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging ride. Along the way, you'll have the chance to visit historic sites such as Rioseco de Tapia and Puente de Alba, and enjoy breathtaking views from the Alto El Rabizo viewpoint.

Experience the historic Camino de Santiago on two wheels

63 km
236 m

Embark on a picturesque cycling journey through the beautiful region of Carrizo de la Ribera, starting at San Martin del Camino. This road cycling route takes you along the famous Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrimage trail that spans across beautiful landscapes and charming villages. With a total distance of 63 km and an ascent of 236 m, this route offers a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Along the way, you will encounter highlights such as Castrillo de las Piedras, Villares de Órbigo, and Turcia.

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling journey to Cimanes del Tejar on this 79 km route.

79 km
893 m

Get off the beaten path and experience the excitement of gravel cycling in the León region. This route starts near Villanueva de Carrizo and takes you through rugged terrain and scenic landscapes. With an ascent of 893 meters, it is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking a challenge. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to visit the charming towns of San Andrés del Rabanedo and Valdelafuente.

Embark on a challenging gravel ride to Vega de Antoñán on this 99 km route.

99 km
1098 m

Test your skills and endurance on this gravel cycling route that will take you to the quaint village of Vega de Antoñán. With an ascent of 1098 meters, this 99 km route offers breathtaking views and a thrilling adventure for experienced cyclists. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to visit Combarros, a picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture.

Discover the beauty of Castilla y León on this road cycling route that takes you through scenic country roads.

63 km
532 m

Scenic Country Roads is a 63-kilometer road cycling route that showcases the stunning landscapes of Carrizo de la Ribera and its surrounding areas. With a total ascent of 532 meters, this route offers a moderate challenge suitable for cyclists of all skill levels. The route winds through picturesque villages and bucolic countryside, allowing riders to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature. Along the way, cyclists can admire the vibrant colors of blooming flowers, hear the songs of birds, and breathe in the fresh air. Scenic Country Roads is a perfect choice for those seeking a peaceful and scenic cycling adventure in Castilla y León.

Embark on an adventurous journey through the scenic hillside trails of León on this 122 km road cycling route.

122 km
461 m

Prepare for an unforgettable cycling experience as you conquer the challenging hillsides of León. This 122 km route, with an ascent of 461 meters, offers breathtaking landscapes and the opportunity to explore charming villages along the way. Highlights include the historic town of San Martín del Camino, the picturesque valleys of Valdesandinas and Quintana y Congosto, and the medieval village of Robledo de la Valduerna.

Embark on a gravel adventure through the breathtaking landscapes near Carrizo de la Ribera.

54 km
389 m

Gravel Adventure is an exhilarating 54-kilometer route that combines off-road cycling with the serene beauty of the Castilla y León countryside. With a total ascent of 389 meters, this gravel route challenges riders with varied terrain and stunning vistas. The route starts in Carrizo de la Ribera, allowing cyclists to soak in the town's cultural charm before venturing into the remote countryside. Along the way, riders will encounter picturesque villages and hidden gems that showcase the region's natural beauty. Gravel Adventure is perfect for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path cycling experience in Spain.

Discover the medieval charm of San Martín del Camino on this 53 km road cycling route.

53 km
114 m

Experience the rich history and scenic beauty of Castilla y León as you cycle through picturesque villages and along peaceful country roads. The route starts near Carrizo de la Ribera and takes you to San Martín del Camino, where you can explore its historic buildings and charming streets. With a moderate ascent of 114 meters, this route is suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a leisurely ride.

Experience the cultural delights of Carrizo de la Ribera and its surrounding towns on this road cycling route.

69 km
162 m

Cultural Delights is a 69-kilometer road cycling route that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Carrizo de la Ribera and nearby towns in Castilla y León. With a total ascent of 162 meters, this route offers a leisurely and enjoyable ride, suitable for cyclists of all abilities. The route takes riders through charming villages, where they can explore historic landmarks, taste local cuisine, and interact with friendly locals. Along the way, cyclists will be treated to breathtaking views of the picturesque countryside and the majestic mountains in the distance. Cultural Delights is the perfect choice for those seeking a cultural and scenic cycling experience in Castilla y León.

Discover the cultural treasures of Carrizo de la Ribera on this road cycling route.

92 km
872 m

Road Heritage is a distinctive route that takes cyclists through the picturesque countryside near Carrizo de la Ribera in Castilla y León, Spain. With a total distance of 92 kilometers and an elevation gain of 872 meters, this route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for avid cyclists. The route passes through charming towns and villages, allowing riders to explore the rich cultural heritage of the region. Along the way, cyclists can admire the stunning landscapes and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the Spanish countryside. With its combination of natural beauty and cultural landmarks, Road Heritage is a must-try route for cycling enthusiasts.

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