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Tranquil and scenic cycling in Santa Marina del Rey.

Cycling routes from Santa Marina del Rey

Santa Marina del Rey is a small locality in Castilla y León, Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers picturesque roads and gravel paths to explore. The surrounding countryside is beautiful, with rolling hills and peaceful landscapes. Cyclists can enjoy leisurely rides or more challenging routes, depending on their preferences. While Santa Marina del Rey may not have famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, it provides a serene and enjoyable cycling experience.

Explore the beautiful countryside of Páramo de Órbigo on this scenic gravel loop.

48 km
72 m

This gravel route takes you through picturesque villages and charming landscapes in Páramo de Órbigo. With a distance of 48 km and an ascent of 72 m, it offers a moderate challenge for gravel cyclists. The route starts in Santa Marina del Rey and passes through La Milla del Páramo and Urdiales del Páramo, offering opportunities to stop and explore these historic towns. One of the highlights along the route is the Puente del Paso Honroso, a medieval bridge with a rich history. Another highlight is Gavilanes de Órbigo, a small village known for its traditional architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Overall, this gravel loop offers a diverse and enjoyable cycling experience in the beautiful region of Castilla y León.

Embark on a shorter yet thrilling gravel ride through the scenic Orbigo Valley and its picturesque villages.

45 km
474 m

The Orbigo Valley Gravel Ride offers a shorter yet exciting cycling adventure through the idyllic landscapes of the Castilla y León region. This 45km route takes you through the Orbigo Valley, known for its picturesque countryside and historic villages. Along the way, you'll pass through Moral de Órbigo, San Justo de la Vega, Sopeña de Carneros, and Antoñán del Valle. With a manageable difficulty level and captivating scenery, this ride is perfect for a quick escape into nature.

Discover the scenic beauty of Valdoncina on this challenging gravel route.

51 km
188 m

The Valdoncina gravel loop is a challenging ride that takes you through the stunning landscapes of Valdoncina. Starting in Santa Marina del Rey, the route covers 51 km and includes an ascent of 188 m. Along the way, you'll pass by San Miguel del Camino and Santovenia de la Valdoncina, both with their own unique charm. The highlight of the route is La Milla del Páramo, a picturesque town known for its well-preserved architecture and historical significance. This gravel loop offers scenic views and a rewarding cycling experience for gravel enthusiasts.

Conquer legendary climbs and stunning vistas on this challenging road cycling route through the Luna Valley.

114 km
842 m

The Luna Valley Challenge is a legendary road cycling route that takes you through the awe-inspiring landscapes of the Castilla y León region. This 114km route offers breathtaking vistas, exhilarating climbs, and thrilling descents. Along the way, you'll pass through La Garandilla, Soto y Amío, Mirador de carretera de la localidad de Los Barrios de Luna, Los Barrios de Luna, Rioseco de Tapia, and Cimanes del Tejar. With its challenging terrain and stunning natural beauty, this route is only recommended for experienced cyclists.

Embark on an off-road cycling adventure through the rugged landscapes and hidden gems of the Orbigo region.

98 km
1072 m

The Orbigo Gravel Adventure is perfect for cyclists looking for a thrilling off-road experience. This 98km route takes you through the untamed beauty of the Castilla y León countryside, with challenging gravel sections and breathtaking views. Along the way, you'll pass through Benavides de Órbigo, Sueros de Cepeda, Cueto San Bartolo, Valdesamario, Las Omañas, and Turcia, each offering unique attractions. With a moderate difficulty level and diverse landscapes, this route promises an unforgettable adventure for gravel enthusiasts.

Follow in the footsteps of pilgrims on this gravel cycling route along the Camino Santiago.

87 km
782 m

The Camino Santiago Trail is a unique gravel cycling experience, following the historic Camino Santiago pilgrimage route. This 87km route takes you through picturesque landscapes and charming villages, offering a blend of physical and spiritual exploration. Along the way, you'll pass through Turcia, Santiago del Molinillo, Montejos del Camino, and Santa Marina del Rey. With a moderate difficulty level and cultural significance, this route is perfect for cyclists seeking a meaningful journey.

Embark on an epic cycling adventure along the Camino de Santiago.

141 km
805 m

The Camino de Santiago road cycling route is a challenging and legendary adventure that covers a distance of 141 km, with an ascent of 805 m. Starting in Santa Marina del Rey, you'll ride through breathtaking landscapes and pass by significant landmarks of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, such as San Martín del Camino and Roperuelos del Páramo. The route offers a unique mix of natural beauty and historical sites, including Alija del Infantado and the iconic San Esteban de Nogales. As you pedal through Pobladura de Yuso and Destriana, you'll be captivated by their charming character and cultural heritage. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Villares de Órbigo and San Justo de la Vega, two towns with fascinating history and cultural significance. This road cycling adventure is both physically demanding and spiritually rewarding.

Follow the course of the Órbigo River on this scenic road cycling loop.

62 km
108 m

The Órbigo River road cycling loop is a 62 km route that takes you through the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Órbigo River. Starting from Santa Marina del Rey, the route offers a moderate challenge with an ascent of 108 m. As you ride through Matalobos del Páramo and Valdesandinas, you'll be enchanted by the picturesque scenery and the tranquility of these rural towns. One of the highlights along the route is Villarejo de Órbigo, a charming village with well-preserved architecture and a peaceful ambiance. Another noteworthy stop is Benavides de Órbigo, a town with a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant local community. This road cycling loop provides an immersive experience in the natural beauty of Castilla y León.

Discover the picturesque villages and beautiful countryside on this scenic round-trip cycling route.

98 km
764 m

The Valdeiglesias Loop is a must-do for cyclists looking to explore the charming villages and landscapes of the Castilla y León region. This 98km route offers a mix of rolling hills and flat stretches, providing a great balance for riders of all levels. Along the way, you'll pass through Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias, Villaobispo de Otero, Quintana del Castillo, and Turcia, which offer a taste of local culture and hospitality. With a moderate difficulty level and breathtaking views, this route promises a memorable cycling experience.

Experience the stunning scenery of Páramo de Órbigo on this scenic road ride

39 km
74 m

The Páramo de Órbigo scenic road ride is a 39 km route starting from Santa Marina del Rey. With a mild ascent of 74 m, it offers a relaxed ride through the picturesque landscapes of Páramo de Órbigo. Along the way, you'll pass by Villadangos del Páramo, a small village known for its traditional architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Another highlight of the route is Matalobos del Páramo, a charming town with well-preserved buildings and a tranquil ambiance. This road ride allows you to enjoy the beauty of the region at a leisurely pace and soak up the peaceful atmosphere.

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Image of Carrizo de la Ribera
Carrizo de la Ribera

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Image of Villarejo de Órbigo
Villarejo de Órbigo

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Image of Bustillo del Páramo
Bustillo del Páramo

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Image of Chozas de Abajo
Chozas de Abajo

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Image of San Justo de la Vega
San Justo de la Vega

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Image of Valverde de la Virgen
Valverde de la Virgen

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Image of Astorga

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Image of Santa María del Páramo
Santa María del Páramo

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Image of Soto de la Vega
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