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Collbató Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Matadepera

An exciting gravel ride exploring the breathtaking landscapes near Matadepera


The Collbató Gravel Route is an exciting cycling adventure through the stunning landscapes near Matadepera. With a mix of gravel paths and scenic country roads, this route offers a thrilling experience for gravel enthusiasts. As you ride, you'll pass by impressive rock formations, quaint villages, and breathtaking viewpoints. Be prepared for challenging climbs and technical descents that will test your skills and provide a sense of achievement. The route features several highlights along the way, including picturesque towns and stunning natural sites that add to the overall excitement and enjoyment of the ride.

112 km
2850 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat
Matadepera is a delightful little town located in the region of Cataluña, Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, this area offers an inviting mix of tranquil country roads and challenging terrain. The roads are well-maintained, making them ideal for road cyclists. Gravel cyclists will also find plenty of opportunities to explore the scenic gravel paths that meander through the picturesque countryside. One of the highlights of Matadepera is the famous climb up to Montserrat, a renowned pilgrimage site and natural park that offers breathtaking views. Whether you're looking for a relaxed ride or a demanding climb, Matadepera has something to offer for every cyclist.
Viladecavalls is a charming town with picturesque streets and traditional Catalan architecture. Take a moment to explore and soak in the local atmosphere before continuing your adventure.
Mirador de les Ribes BlavesViewpoint
Mirador de les Ribes Blaves is a viewpoint offering panoramic views of the region's rugged landscapes. Stop and marvel at the natural beauty, and don't forget to take some photos.
Roca dels Corbs436 mPeak
Roca dels Corbs is a rock formation that towers above the surrounding countryside. Take a moment to appreciate the impressive geological features and the sense of awe they inspire.
Collbató is a charming village with narrow streets and traditional houses. Explore the historic center and enjoy the charming atmosphere before continuing your ride.
Sant Pau de la GuàrdiaHamlet
Sant Pau de la Guàrdia is a scenic spot with beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. Pause and take in the peacefulness and serenity of this hidden gem.
Coll de Gossem799 mPeak
Coll de Gossem is a challenging climb with rewarding views at the top. Gear up and tackle the ascent, and enjoy the exhilaration of conquering this legendary climb.
el Talló442 mPeak
El Talló is a picturesque hill that offers stunning views of the Catalonian landscape. Stop and take in the breathtaking vistas before continuing your adventure.
Sant Vicenç de CastelletVillage
Sant Vicenç de Castellet is a charming town with a rich history and traditional architecture. Explore the old quarter and appreciate the hidden gems along the streets.
Roca de Sant Jaume538 mPeak
Roca de Sant Jaume is a rocky lookout with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Pause and marvel at the natural beauty of the area.
Tines de l'OlivaAttraction
Tines de l'Oliva is a picturesque spot with olive groves and scenic countryside views. Take a moment to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the area before continuing your ride.
Coll de Garganta895 mMountain Pass
Coll de Garganta is a challenging climb that winds through beautiful landscapes and offers rewarding views at the top. Prepare for a tough ascent and embrace the sense of achievement.
Forn de Calç de les CantarellesCastle Ruins
Forn de Calç de les Cantarelles is a historic lime kiln that showcases the region's industrial heritage. Stop and learn about the traditional production of lime in the area.
Matadepera, the starting point and endpoint of the route, offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and countryside. It's a great place to relax and enjoy the post-ride atmosphere.
Finish: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat

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