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Matadepera Loop

A road cycling route starting from Matadepera

Discover the stunning landscapes of Matadepera on this round-trip cycling route.


Embark on a challenging adventure through diverse terrain and enjoy breathtaking views of Matadepera. With a mix of uphill climbs and fast descents, this route offers a thrilling experience for road cyclists. Explore the hidden gems of this idyllic region, including ancient trees, historical landmarks, and charming villages.

92 km
1636 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat
Matadepera is a delightful little town located in the region of Cataluña, Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, this area offers an inviting mix of tranquil country roads and challenging terrain. The roads are well-maintained, making them ideal for road cyclists. Gravel cyclists will also find plenty of opportunities to explore the scenic gravel paths that meander through the picturesque countryside. One of the highlights of Matadepera is the famous climb up to Montserrat, a renowned pilgrimage site and natural park that offers breathtaking views. Whether you're looking for a relaxed ride or a demanding climb, Matadepera has something to offer for every cyclist.
el Teix de l'ObacAttraction
Visit the majestic el Teix de l'Obac, a traditional Catalan oak tree with a curious twisted shape. Its impressive size and historical significance make it a unique highlight along the route.
Turó de les Planeres517 mPeak
Climb up to the Turó de les Planeres and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. This hilltop offers a perfect spot for a quick rest and some memorable photos.
Sant Vicenç de CastelletVillage
Pass through the charming town of Sant Vicenç de Castellet, known for its well-preserved Romanesque church and picturesque streets.
la Torre de Santmartí310 mPeak
Admire the medieval tower of la Torre de Santmartí, a historic landmark dating back to the 10th century. Learn about its fascinating history and enjoy the scenic views from the top.
Discover the lovely village of Calders, known for its traditional stone houses and narrow cobbled streets. Take a break and sample some local Catalan cuisine in one of the charming restaurants.
Serrat dels Ametllers504 mPeak
Marvel at the Serrat dels Ametllers, a beautiful area adorned with almond trees. During blooming season, the landscape transforms into a stunning pink and white spectacle.
Sant Llorenç SavallVillage
Explore the quaint town of Sant Llorenç Savall and discover its rich architectural heritage, including the Romanesque church of Sant Cristòfol.
Puig Rodó541 mPeak
Conquer the challenging climb up to Puig Rodó, a legendary ascent loved by professional cyclists. Test your limits and enjoy the rewarding views from the top.
Turó del Llop468 mPeak
Reach the summit of Turó del Llop and be rewarded with spectacular vistas of the surrounding countryside. This vantage point offers an ideal spot to admire the beauty of Matadepera.
Starting and ending in Matadepera, this route allows you to fully experience the charm of this Catalan town. Explore its historic center, filled with beautiful old houses and narrow streets.
Finish: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat

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