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Puig Rodó Road Route

A road cycling route starting from Matadepera

Challenging road ride with epic climbs and breathtaking views


The Puig Rodó Road Route is a challenging cycling adventure for experienced riders looking for the thrill of epic climbs and breathtaking views. With a total ascent of 3144 meters, this route will push your limits and reward you with stunning panoramas of the Catalonian landscape. Along the way, you'll pass by historic towns, ancient ruins, and picturesque countryside, making it a truly memorable ride. Be prepared for steep gradients and demanding climbs that will test your strength and endurance, but the feeling of accomplishment at the end will be worth every pedal stroke.

198 km
3144 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat
Matadepera is a delightful little town located in the region of Cataluña, Spain. From a cyclist's perspective, this area offers an inviting mix of tranquil country roads and challenging terrain. The roads are well-maintained, making them ideal for road cyclists. Gravel cyclists will also find plenty of opportunities to explore the scenic gravel paths that meander through the picturesque countryside. One of the highlights of Matadepera is the famous climb up to Montserrat, a renowned pilgrimage site and natural park that offers breathtaking views. Whether you're looking for a relaxed ride or a demanding climb, Matadepera has something to offer for every cyclist.
Sant Feliu del RacóVillage
Sant Feliu del Racó is a small village nestled in the mountains with stunning views and a charming atmosphere. Take a moment to admire the landscape and appreciate the peace and tranquility.
Puig Rodó541 mPeak
Puig Rodó is a legendary climb that offers challenging gradients and sweeping panoramic views. Prepare for a tough ascent, but the sense of achievement at the top is incredible.
Granera is a village with narrow streets and ancient houses, offering a glimpse into the region's history. It's a great place to take a break and explore during your ride.
Turó del Pei766 mPeak
Turó del Pei is a hill with stunning vistas of the surrounding mountains and countryside. Stop and enjoy the breathtaking scenery before continuing your journey.
Serrat del Llamp967 mPeak
Serrat del Llamp is a scenic spot with panoramic views of the rolling hills and valleys. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the natural landscape.
L'Estany is a reservoir surrounded by lush greenery and mountains. It's a peaceful and serene place to rest and refuel before tackling the next challenge.
Fontfreda937 mPeak
Fontfreda is a charming village known for its traditional Catalan architecture and beautiful countryside. Explore the narrow streets and soak in the local culture.
Sentfores is a scenic village with picturesque views and lovely cycling routes. Take your time to discover the beauty of this hidden gem.
Roda de TerVillage
Roda de Ter is a medieval town with a well-preserved historic center. Stop and explore the ancient streets and buildings to immerse yourself in the region's rich heritage.
Puig de Barrès700 mPeak
Puig de Barrès is a challenging climb with steep gradients and rewarding views at the top. Gear up, take on the challenge, and be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment.
les Masies de RodaVillage
Les Masies de Roda is a collection of small villages with rustic charm and beautiful surroundings. Take a moment to savor the peace and tranquility of the area.
Puig Moltó803 mPeak
Puig Moltó is a scenic hill with panoramic views of the countryside. Stop and soak in the spectacular vistas before continuing your epic journey.
Turó del Bosc Gran823 mPeak
Molí de les CanesCastle Ruins
Molí de les Canes is a historic mill located in a scenic spot. Take a moment to appreciate the traditional architecture and learn about the region's rural heritage.
Turó del Seguer654 mPeak
Turó del Seguer is a hill that offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Pause and enjoy the beauty of the natural scenery before heading back on the road.
el FigaróVillage
El Figaró is a picturesque village with traditional houses and a charming atmosphere. Take a moment to explore and soak in the local culture before continuing your ride.
Turó Gros400 mPeak
Turó Gros is a scenic spot with panoramic views of the mountains and valleys. It's a great place to stop and appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty of the Catalan landscape.
Puig de la Creu668 mPeak
Puig de la Creu is a challenging climb with rewarding views and stunning vistas at the top. Take your time to savor the sense of accomplishment and admire the surrounding scenery.
Sant Julià d'AlturaPicnic Site
Sant Julià d'Altura is a picturesque village with traditional architecture and stunning mountain views. Stop and wander through the historic streets, and don't forget to take some photos.
Finish: Matadepera Village center
Matadepera: Tranquil countryside with challenging climbs near Montserrat

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