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Amden Alpine Loop

A road cycling route starting from Amden

Embark on a challenging alpine adventure from Amden


Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping cycling adventure through the breathtaking Swiss Alps. The Amden Alpine Loop is a challenging road cycling route that takes you on a journey through some of the most iconic mountain landscapes in Switzerland. With a distance of 124 kilometers and an ascent of 3644 meters, this route is not for the faint-hearted. Prepare to conquer legendary climbs like Vorauen and Ibergeregg, and enjoy panoramic views from Roggenstöckli. Rated 5 on both the difficulty and epicness scales, this route is recommended for experienced cyclists seeking a truly extraordinary adventure. Highlights along the route include the picturesque village of Amden, nestled amidst spectacular alpine scenery, and the stunning Gletschermühlen, where you can witness the power of glacial erosion at its finest.

124 km
3644 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Amden Village center
Amden: Unleashing your inner mountain goat in the Swiss Alps.
Amden is a stunning locality situated in Ostschweiz, Switzerland. It offers a paradise for cyclists with its pristine roads and breathtaking mountain views. The region is renowned for its well-maintained cycling routes, attracting road cyclists and gravel enthusiasts alike. Cyclists can tackle the famous climb of Amden-Vorderdorf, a challenging ascent that rewards riders with sweeping vistas of the surrounding mountains. Amden truly embodies the essence of Alpine cycling and is a top destination for those seeking epic rides and natural beauty.
Start your epic alpine adventure in Amden, a charming village surrounded by majestic mountains.
Pass through the scenic village of Netstal, offering stunning views of the Glarus Alps and the Linth Valley.
Witness the raw beauty of Vorauen, with its dramatic mountain landscapes and panoramic vistas.
Roggenstöckli1702 mPeak
Climb to the summit of Roggenstöckli and be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding alpine peaks.
Admire the mesmerizing Gletschermühlen, unique rock formations sculpted by ancient glaciers.
Experience the picturesque village of Muotathal, nestled in a remote alpine valley and surrounded by magnificent scenery.
Challenge yourself on the stunning climb to Illgau, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Ibergeregg1406 mMountain Pass
Conquer the legendary Ibergeregg, a challenging alpine climb with rewarding views over the Swiss Alps.
Marvel at the stunning landscapes of Euthal, a peaceful village nestled amidst lush green meadows and serene alpine forests.
Sattelegg1190 mMountain Pass
Reach the summit of Sattelegg and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountain ranges.
Visit Reichenburg, a charming village known for its scenic beauty and traditional Swiss architecture.
Pass by Ziegelbrücke, a picturesque town located on the banks of the Linth River, offering scenic views and historical landmarks.
Biberlichopf566 mPeak
Enjoy the panoramic views from Biberlichopf, a popular viewing point along the route.
Finish: Amden Village center
Amden: Unleashing your inner mountain goat in the Swiss Alps.

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