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The Alpine Escape

A road cycling route starting from Amden

Embark on a scenic road cycling adventure through the idyllic Swiss Alps


This road cycling route combines the thrill of climbing Alpine passes with picturesque Swiss villages. With a moderate difficulty level and a variety of breathtaking highlights along the way, this tour promises a memorable and diverse cycling experience. Cyclists can enjoy stunning views of towering mountains and charming valleys, making this route a true Alpine escape.

89 km
1990 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Amden Village center
Amden: Unleashing your inner mountain goat in the Swiss Alps.
Amden is a stunning locality situated in Ostschweiz, Switzerland. It offers a paradise for cyclists with its pristine roads and breathtaking mountain views. The region is renowned for its well-maintained cycling routes, attracting road cyclists and gravel enthusiasts alike. Cyclists can tackle the famous climb of Amden-Vorderdorf, a challenging ascent that rewards riders with sweeping vistas of the surrounding mountains. Amden truly embodies the essence of Alpine cycling and is a top destination for those seeking epic rides and natural beauty.
Gulmen1789 mPeak
Gulmen offers sweeping views of the surrounding mountain ranges and valleys. A perfect spot to take a break and enjoy the scenery.
Alt Sankt JohannVillage
Alt Sankt Johann is a picturesque mountain village famous for its traditional Swiss architecture and serene atmosphere.
Buchs is a historic town with a charming city center, featuring well-preserved buildings and cobblestone streets.
Geissberg671 mPeak
Geissberg is an impressive viewpoint offering panoramic vistas of the Rhine Valley and the nearby mountains.
Maziferchopf856 mPeak
Maziferchopf is a beautiful hilltop viewpoint overlooking the scenic landscape of the region.
Flums is a charming Swiss village known for its pristine natural beauty and cozy atmosphere.
Walensee is a majestic Alpine lake surrounded by soaring peaks, making it a perfect spot to admire the beauty of nature.
Filzbach is a quaint village surrounded by lush green meadows and rolling hills, creating a peaceful and serene environment.
Amden serves as the starting and ending point of this incredible cycling journey, offering beautiful landscapes and a warm welcome to cyclists.
Finish: Amden Village center
Amden: Unleashing your inner mountain goat in the Swiss Alps.

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