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Gravel Route from Cervignano d'Adda to Arcagna

Cyklotrasa gravel začínajúca od Cervignano d'Adda

Explore charming towns and beautiful landscapes on this gravel route


Embark on a 67 km gravel adventure starting from Cervignano d'Adda, passing through highlights such as Crema, Chieve, and Lodi. Enjoy the scenic views and cultural richness of Lombardia as you pedal through the countryside. This route offers a mix of challenging ascents and relaxing descents, making it perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking for a memorable ride.

67 km
44 m
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Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Quartiano Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda
Cervignano d'Adda is a picturesque town with a variety of cycling routes to explore. Cyclists can enjoy the flat and rolling terrain, taking in the beautiful countryside and historic buildings along the way. The area is close to the famous climb of Colle Brianza, a challenging ascent that offers stunning views of the Lombardia region.
Cervignano d'AddaDedina
Start your journey in this historic town with its picturesque architecture and rich cultural heritage.
Spino d’AddaDedina
Discover the quaint charm of Spino d’Adda as you cycle through its narrow streets and ancient buildings.
Explore the medieval beauty of Crema, known for its well-preserved historic center and welcoming atmosphere.
Pedal through the scenic countryside of Chieve and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of this charming village.
Visit Lodi, a vibrant town with a rich history and stunning architecture, offering plenty of attractions for cyclists to explore.
Reach the endpoint of your journey in Arcagna, a small village known for its tranquil ambiance and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
Cieľ: Quartiano Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda