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Road Route to Cassano d'Adda and Villa Pompeiana

Cyklotrasa road začínajúca od Cervignano d'Adda

Challenge yourself on this road cycling route to Cassano d'Adda and Villa Pompeiana


This road route is perfect for cyclists looking for a challenge, with a total ascent of 288m and a distance of 97km. The route passes through picturesque towns like Paullo and Caponago, offering breathtaking views of the Italian countryside. As you pedal your way through the rolling hills of Lombardia, you'll have the opportunity to explore historic landmarks and cultural attractions along the way.

97 km
288 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Cervignano d'Adda Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda
Cervignano d'Adda is a picturesque town with a variety of cycling routes to explore. Cyclists can enjoy the flat and rolling terrain, taking in the beautiful countryside and historic buildings along the way. The area is close to the famous climb of Colle Brianza, a challenging ascent that offers stunning views of the Lombardia region.
Paullo offers a glimpse into Italian village life
Caponago is known for its historic architecture
Monte Robbio370 mVrchol
Monte Robbio provides panoramic views of the region
Explore the charming village of Solza
Cassano d'AddaMesto
Cassano d'Adda is steeped in history
Spino d’AddaDedina
Spino d’Adda offers a tranquil escape
Villa PompeianaOsada
Villa Pompeiana is a hidden gem
Cieľ: Cervignano d'Adda Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda