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Gravel Tour to Lodi through Pandino

Cyklotrasa gravel začínajúca od Cervignano d'Adda

Discover picturesque villages and scenic landscapes on this gravel route.


This 54 km gravel tour starting near Cervignano d'Adda takes you through the charming Spino d’Adda, Pandino, and Lodi. Enjoy the peaceful countryside and rolling hills as you pedal along this moderate ascent route. The highlight of the tour is reaching Arcagna, where you can take in panoramic views of the surrounding area.

54 km
52 m
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Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Quartiano Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda
Cervignano d'Adda is a picturesque town with a variety of cycling routes to explore. Cyclists can enjoy the flat and rolling terrain, taking in the beautiful countryside and historic buildings along the way. The area is close to the famous climb of Colle Brianza, a challenging ascent that offers stunning views of the Lombardia region.
Cervignano d'AddaDedina
Explore the historic town and its beautiful architecture.
Spino d’AddaDedina
Ride through this quaint village and admire its traditional Italian charm.
Stop and rest in this lovely town with its peaceful atmosphere.
Visit the vibrant city known for its cultural heritage and delicious cuisine.
Take a break at this lookout point and enjoy stunning views of the countryside.
Cieľ: Quartiano Village center
Cervignano d'Adda: Picturesque cycling routes in Cervignano d'Adda