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Gravel route from Rassina

Cyklotrasa gravel začínajúca od Rassina

Explore the stunning rural landscapes of Toscana on this challenging gravel route


This 93 km gravel route starting near Rassina offers breathtaking views and a total ascent of 3155 m. The highlights include Pieve a Socana, Poggio d'Oro, and Passo dei Mandrioli, each offering unique sights and experiences along the way.

93 km
3155 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Pieve a Socana Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.
Rassina je malebná obec v toskánskej krajine, sústredená okolo námestia a miestneho kostola. Cyklisti tu môžu objavovať pokojné cesty a traily vedúce cez okolité vinice a olivovníky. V blízkosti sú aj niektoré známe cyklistické trasy a stúpania.
Pieve a SocanaDedina
Ride through the picturesque village of Pieve a Socana and admire its historic architecture.
Poggio d'Oro751 mVrchol
Enjoy the scenic views from Poggio d'Oro as you cycle through the rolling hills of Toscana.
Passo dei Mandrioli1173 mHorský priesmyk
Challenge yourself with the ascent of Passo dei Mandrioli and take in panoramic views at the top.
il Capannone857 mVrchol
Experience the beauty of the countryside at il Capannone as you pedal through the Italian countryside.
Croce alla Calla1136 mHorský priesmyk
Stop at Croce alla Calla for a rest and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.
La BecciaOsada
Discover the charm of La Beccia, a hidden gem off the beaten path.
Start your journey in the quaint town of Rassina and explore its local culture and history.
Cieľ: Pieve a Socana Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.