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Road route near Rassina

Cyklotrasa road začínajúca od Rassina

Cycle through the scenic roads of Toscana on this road route with moderate ascent


Embark on a 70 km road route with an ascent of 1689 m starting near Rassina. Highlights include Poggio Violina, Poggio Ginestrino, and Monte Faggiolo, each offering a different perspective of the region's beauty.

70 km
1689 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Rassina Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.
Rassina je malebná obec v toskánskej krajine, sústredená okolo námestia a miestneho kostola. Cyklisti tu môžu objavovať pokojné cesty a traily vedúce cez okolité vinice a olivovníky. V blízkosti sú aj niektoré známe cyklistické trasy a stúpania.
Begin your journey in Rassina and experience the authentic Italian atmosphere of this charming town.
Poggio Violina801 mVrchol
Admire the stunning views from Poggio Violina as you conquer the challenging ascent.
Poggio Ginestrino521 mVrchol
Enjoy the gentle slopes of Poggio Ginestrino and take in the rolling hills of Toscana.
Pass through the historic town of Pratovecchio and explore its cultural heritage.
Poggio Prato Pagliaio837 mVrchol
Pedal through the picturesque landscape of Poggio Prato Pagliaio and revel in the natural beauty.
Monte Faggiolo1262 mVrchol
Reach the summit of Monte Faggiolo and savor the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Stop at Partina and experience the local cuisine and hospitality.
Cieľ: Rassina Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.