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Scenic road cycling near Rassina

Cyklotrasa road začínajúca od Rassina

Experience the diverse landscapes of Toscana on this challenging road route


This 104 km road route near Rassina features a total ascent of 3127 m and takes you through some of the most scenic spots in the region. Highlights include Poggio d'Oro, Passo dei Mandrioli, and Bagno di Romagna, each offering a unique and memorable experience.

104 km
3127 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Rassina Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.
Rassina je malebná obec v toskánskej krajine, sústredená okolo námestia a miestneho kostola. Cyklisti tu môžu objavovať pokojné cesty a traily vedúce cez okolité vinice a olivovníky. V blízkosti sú aj niektoré známe cyklistické trasy a stúpania.
Commence your journey in Rassina and immerse yourself in the local culture and traditions of this charming town.
Poggio d'Oro751 mVrchol
Admire the breathtaking views from Poggio d'Oro and capture the beauty of the rolling hills.
Passo dei Mandrioli1173 mHorský priesmyk
Challenge yourself with the ascent of Passo dei Mandrioli and enjoy panoramic vistas at the summit.
Bagno di RomagnaDedina
Relax and rejuvenate at the thermal baths of Bagno di Romagna, a perfect pit stop along the route.
il Capannone857 mVrchol
Cycle through the scenic countryside at il Capannone and soak in the tranquility of nature.
Explore the charming village of Valsavignone and discover its hidden gems.
Valico dello Spino1005 mHorský priesmyk
Cross Valico dello Spino and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Poggio di Fognano913 mVrchol
Pedal through the scenic landscapes of Poggio di Fognano and embrace the serenity of the countryside.
Pass through Chitignano and experience the local culture and hospitality of this charming town.
Pieve a SocanaDedina
Visit the historic village of Pieve a Socana and immerse yourself in its rich heritage.
Cieľ: Rassina Village center
Rassina: Malebná obec v Toskánsku vhodná pre cyklistické výlety.