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Wetzikon - Weisslingen - Seegräben - Juhee Gravel Route

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Gruet

Exciting gravel route with varied terrain and beautiful natural surroundings


Cycle through the picturesque landscapes of Wetzikon, Weisslingen, and Seegräben on this adventurous gravel route. Enjoy the peaceful rural roads and challenging climbs that will test your cycling skills. The route culminates in the charming village of Juhee, offering a perfect end to your cycling adventure.

34 km
387 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Wetzikon City center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.
Grüt je majhna vasica v švicarskem Zürichu, ki ponuja kolesarjem mirne ceste in čudovite razglede na okoliško pokrajino. V bližini vasice so tudi znani vzponi, ki privabljajo ljubitelje kolesarjenja od blizu in daleč.
Begin your journey in Wetzikon, a lively town with a rich cultural heritage.
Explore the quaint village of Weisslingen with its traditional Swiss architecture.
Pass through the scenic Seegräben area with its rolling hills and picturesque landscapes.
JuheeRazgledna točka
End your ride in Juhee, a hidden gem in the Swiss countryside.
Konec: Wetzikon City center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.