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Grüt - Durst - Quaibrücke - Ruine Glanzenberg - Sulperg - Niederweningen - Winkel - Oberäntschberg - Hackenberg - Bertschikon (Gossau ZH) Road Route

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Gruet

Thrilling road route with challenging climbs and scenic viewpoints


Embark on an epic road cycling journey through the challenging terrain of Grüt, Durst, Quaibrücke, Ruine Glanzenberg, Sulperg, Niederweningen, Winkel, Oberäntschberg, Hackenberg, and Bertschikon. The route offers a mix of steep climbs, fast descents, and breathtaking views of the Swiss countryside. Explore historic landmarks, charming villages, and lush green valleys on this exhilarating road route.

108 km
1116 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Grüt Village center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.
Grüt je majhna vasica v švicarskem Zürichu, ki ponuja kolesarjem mirne ceste in čudovite razglede na okoliško pokrajino. V bližini vasice so tudi znani vzponi, ki privabljajo ljubitelje kolesarjenja od blizu in daleč.
Start your journey in Grüt, a picturesque village known for its traditional Swiss architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
DurstRazgledna točka
Admire the stunning views from Durst, a popular viewpoint overlooking the Swiss countryside.
QuaibrückeRazgledna točka
Cross the iconic Quaibrücke bridge and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Ruine GlanzenbergGrad
Explore the historic Ruine Glanzenberg, a medieval castle ruin with fascinating stories to tell.
Sulperg514 mRazgledna Točka na Vrhu
Climb to the summit of Sulperg and enjoy panoramic views of the Swiss Alps and rolling hills.
Pedal through the picturesque Niederweningen area with its charming villages and lush green meadows.
Admire the scenic beauty of Winkel, a hidden gem in the Swiss countryside with stunning views.
Oberäntschberg533 mVrh
Challenge yourself on the steep slopes of Oberäntschberg, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
Hackenberg548 mVrh
Explore the historic Hackenberg area with its traditional Swiss architecture and charming villages.
Bertschikon (Gossau ZH)Vas
Finish your cycling journey in Bertschikon, a peaceful village with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty.
Konec: Grüt Village center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.