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Gerbel - Rapperswil - Schwösterrain/Balm - Grüt Gravel Route

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Gruet

Scenic gravel route passing through picturesque villages and beautiful landscapes


This gravel route takes you through charming villages like Gerbel, Rapperswil, and Schwösterrain with stunning views along the way. The route offers a mix of challenging climbs and rewarding descents, making it a perfect adventure for gravel enthusiasts.

30 km
411 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Grüt Village center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.
Grüt je majhna vasica v švicarskem Zürichu, ki ponuja kolesarjem mirne ceste in čudovite razglede na okoliško pokrajino. V bližini vasice so tudi znani vzponi, ki privabljajo ljubitelje kolesarjenja od blizu in daleč.
Gerbel561 mVrh
Experience the peaceful countryside of Gerbel with its traditional Swiss architecture.
Explore the historic town of Rapperswil with its medieval old town and lakeside promenade.
Schwösterrain/BalmRazgledna točka
Pass through the scenic Schwösterrain/Balm area with rolling hills and lush green meadows.
End your journey in Grüt, a quaint village known for its traditional Swiss charm.
Konec: Grüt Village center
Grüt: Mirne ceste in slikoviti razgledi v Grütu.