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Montbéliard Circuit

A road cycling route starting from Montbeliard

A thrilling road cycling route near Montbéliard


The Montbéliard Circuit is a challenging road cycling route that covers a distance of 89 kilometers and has a total ascent of 865 meters. This route offers beautiful scenery and takes cyclists through picturesque towns and hilly areas. With highlights like the Rock, a notable rock formation, and Mont Truchot, a scenic spot with breathtaking views, this route guarantees an exciting and memorable cycling experience. The Montbéliard Circuit is suitable for well-trained amateurs and is rated with a difficulty level of 4 out of 5.

89 km
865 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Montbéliard City center
Montbéliard: Scenic routes and famous climb Ballon d'Alsace make Montbéliard a cycling paradise.
Montbéliard, situated in the Franche-Comté region of France, is a cyclist's dream destination. The locality offers a wide range of cycling routes, both on paved roads and gravel paths, perfect for all levels of riders. You can explore the beautiful countryside and charming villages, with breathtaking views throughout your ride. Montbéliard is renowned for its famous mountain pass, the Ballon d'Alsace, which is a challenging climb that attracts cyclists from far and wide. With its cycling-friendly infrastructure and picturesque surroundings, Montbéliard is a must-visit destination for road and gravel cyclists alike.
The Rock, a striking rock formation along the route, is a must-see highlight. Marvel at the unique geological formation and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.
Bavans, a charming town en route, is known for its historical architecture. Take a moment to explore the town and admire the well-preserved buildings.
Mont Truchot470 mPeak
Mont Truchot offers magnificent panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Stop here to capture stunning photos and take in the beauty of the landscape.
Gémonval is a quaint village with traditional houses and a peaceful atmosphere. Take a break and enjoy the tranquility of this picturesque spot.
La VergenneVillage
La Vergenne is a small hamlet located in the rolling hills. Enjoy the serene surroundings and the feeling of escaping into nature.
Colline de Bourlémont474 mPeak
Colline de Bourlémont is a hill with historical significance. Although the highlight score is low, history enthusiasts may find it interesting to learn more about its significance.
Ronchamp is a village known for its iconic chapel designed by renowned architect Le Corbusier. Admire the modernist architecture and appreciate its cultural heritage.
Chagey is a small village with beautiful old houses and a charming ambiance. Take a moment to explore the village and soak in the local atmosphere.
Montbéliard, the starting and ending point of the route, is a vibrant city with a rich history and cultural heritage. Explore the city before or after your cycling adventure.
Finish: Montbéliard City center
Montbéliard: Scenic routes and famous climb Ballon d'Alsace make Montbéliard a cycling paradise.

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