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Elbe River Explorer

A gravel cycling route starting from Brietlingen

Embark on a gravel adventure along the banks of the Elbe river


Experience the idyllic scenery and rich cultural heritage of the Elbe river on this 50-kilometer gravel ride. With a manageable ascent of 139 meters, it is suitable for well-trained amateurs and offers a great introduction to gravel riding. Highlights along the route include Hittbergen, known for its charming half-timbered houses, the impressive Aussichtsturm am Biosphaerium Elbtalaue (observation tower), and the picturesque town of Bleckede.

50 km
139 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Brietlingen Village center
Brietlingen: Cycling through the scenic landscapes of Brietlingen, Lüneburg, Germany.
Brietlingen is a town situated in the Lüneburg region of Germany. It offers various cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists, with well-maintained routes and scenic landscapes. Cyclists can explore the picturesque Elbe River region, ride through the tranquil countryside, and visit nearby charming towns. One notable cycling spot nearby is the Bockelberg climb, which offers a challenging ascent and rewarding views. Brietlingen is a pleasant locality for cycling, with decent infrastructure and natural beauty.
Hittbergen is a historical village with well-preserved timber-framed buildings, perfect for a short exploration.
Aussichtsturm am Biosphaerium ElbtalaueViewpoint
The Aussichtsturm am Biosphaerium Elbtalaue provides panoramic views of the Elbe river and surrounding nature reserve.
Bleckede, a small town known for its charming Old Town and magnificent river views.
Rehr-Berg44 mPeak
Rehr-Berg offers a scenic viewpoint overlooking the Elbe river and the surrounding landscape.
Rullstorf is a quiet village with a beautiful countryside charm, perfect for a peaceful ride.
Finish: Brietlingen Village center
Brietlingen: Cycling through the scenic landscapes of Brietlingen, Lüneburg, Germany.

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