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Historical Landmarks Road Tour

A road cycling route starting from Brietlingen

Explore historical landmarks and picturesque landscapes on this 117-kilometer road cycling tour.


This road cycling tour offers a fascinating journey through time and space. With a considerable ascent of 371 meters, it is better suited for experienced riders. Highlights include the Feldherrenhügel (Hill of Generals), where military leaders gathered to discuss strategies; Schwarzenbek, known for its charming Half-timbered buildings and a tranquil setting; and Gresse, a scenic village surrounded by picturesque fields and forests. The tour also passes through Hohnstorf, where you can enjoy river views and take in the peaceful atmosphere.

117 km
371 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Brietlingen Village center
Brietlingen: Cycling through the scenic landscapes of Brietlingen, Lüneburg, Germany.
Brietlingen is a town situated in the Lüneburg region of Germany. It offers various cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists, with well-maintained routes and scenic landscapes. Cyclists can explore the picturesque Elbe River region, ride through the tranquil countryside, and visit nearby charming towns. One notable cycling spot nearby is the Bockelberg climb, which offers a challenging ascent and rewarding views. Brietlingen is a pleasant locality for cycling, with decent infrastructure and natural beauty.
Feldherrenhügel, or Hill of Generals, offers scenic views and serves as a historical reminder of past military gatherings.
Haferberg94 mPeak
Haferberg, a charming village with timber-framed houses, offers a lovely photo opportunity in a tranquil setting.
Schwarzenbek boasts a well-preserved old town filled with delightful half-timbered houses, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
Breitenfelde offers stunning views of rolling hills and rural landscapes, encapsulating the idyllic charm of the region.
Gresse, surrounded by lush fields and forests, provides a peaceful and scenic reprieve for road cyclists.
Elwkieker offers thrilling viewpoints and stunning panoramas of the region's diverse landscapes.
Hohnstorf, situated along the Elbe river, allows cyclists to enjoy captivating river views and an inviting atmosphere.
Finish: Brietlingen Village center
Brietlingen: Cycling through the scenic landscapes of Brietlingen, Lüneburg, Germany.

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