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Rolling Through the Heart of Östra Mellansverige

A road cycling route starting from Kopparberg

A scenic road cycling route taking you through picturesque landscapes and charming villages.


This round-trip cycling route starting near Kopparberg takes you on a scenic journey through the heart of Östra Mellansverige. With a distance of 172 kilometers and an ascent of 1214 meters, this route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for cyclists. The route predominantly consists of rolling terrain, providing ample opportunities to enjoy the beautiful countryside views. As you pedal along, you'll come across several highlights that showcase the region's natural and cultural attractions. From Stjärnfors, where you can admire historic industrial buildings, to the stunning panoramic views offered by Hökhöjdens Utsiktspunkt, there's something for everyone. Overall, this route offers a diverse range of scenery and interesting attractions, making it a must-ride for cycling enthusiasts visiting Östra Mellansverige.

172 km
1214 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kopparberg City center
Kopparberg: A paradise for cycling enthusiasts with scenic routes and challenging climbs.
Kopparberg, located in the Östra Mellansverige region of Sweden, is a great place for road and gravel cycling. The locality boasts a variety of well-paved roads that wind through beautiful countryside landscapes. Additionally, there are some notable climbs nearby that attract both local and international cyclists. With its combination of scenic routes and challenging climbs, Kopparberg is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Stjärnfors, located along the route, is known for its well-preserved industrial buildings from the 19th century. Take a moment to explore this historic site.
Salboknös305 mPeak
Salboknös offers a tranquil stopover with beautiful nature surroundings. Take a break and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
Hjulsjö is a charming village that adds a touch of authenticity to the route. Enjoy a brief visit and admire its traditional Swedish architecture.
Hökhöjdens UtsiktspunktViewpoint
Hökhöjdens Utsiktspunkt provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Don't forget to capture some memorable photos here.
Hällefors is a small town where you can find various shops and cafes to replenish your energy during the ride.
Gåsborn is home to a picturesque lake, offering a peaceful spot for relaxation before continuing with your cycling adventure.
Fredriksberg is a quaint village known for its traditional red wooden houses. Take a moment to appreciate the simple beauty of this charming settlement.
Ulriksberg is a historic estate surrounded by stunning gardens. If time allows, consider exploring the grounds and experiencing the serenity of nature.
Norhyttan is a small village with a rich mining history. Discover stories from the past while admiring the unique architecture.
Saxdalen is known for its tranquil forests and idyllic countryside landscapes. Take a moment to connect with nature in this serene environment.
Hörken is a typical Swedish village that encapsulates the region's charm. Explore the streets and soak in the local atmosphere.
Ställdalen presents a captivating mix of old and new, with historic buildings nestled amongst modern developments. Take a moment to appreciate the contrast.
Finish: Kopparberg City center
Kopparberg: A paradise for cycling enthusiasts with scenic routes and challenging climbs.

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