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Kopparberg Road Expedition

A road cycling route starting from Kopparberg

Embark on a thrilling road expedition around Kopparberg, unveiling hidden gems and stunning landscapes.


This road route takes you on an expedition around Kopparberg, offering breathtaking landscapes and hidden gems along the way. With a total distance of 135 km and an ascent of 827 m, this route is suitable for experienced riders. Highlights along the route include Ställdalen, a small village known for its scenic beauty, and Saxdalen, a charming spot nestled amidst nature. Ulriksberg treats you to delightful vistas, while Norhyttan reveals a slice of history. Grängesberg offers a new perspective, and Hörken boasts panoramic views. Svepartorp is the perfect place to conclude your journey.

135 km
827 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kopparberg City center
Kopparberg: A paradise for cycling enthusiasts with scenic routes and challenging climbs.
Kopparberg, located in the Östra Mellansverige region of Sweden, is a great place for road and gravel cycling. The locality boasts a variety of well-paved roads that wind through beautiful countryside landscapes. Additionally, there are some notable climbs nearby that attract both local and international cyclists. With its combination of scenic routes and challenging climbs, Kopparberg is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Make a stop in Ställdalen and immerse yourself in its serene charm and captivating natural beauty.
Experience the tranquility of Saxdalen, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and untouched nature.
Fall in love with the magical views from Ulriksberg, where nature paints an awe-inspiring picture in every direction.
Discover the history of Norhyttan, a village with old mining traditions, and soak in its unique and nostalgic atmosphere.
Get to know Grängesberg and its fascinating industrial history, which has shaped the region since the 19th century.
Enjoy panoramic views from Hörken, where nature grants a gorgeous backdrop to your cycling journey.
Finish: Kopparberg City center
Kopparberg: A paradise for cycling enthusiasts with scenic routes and challenging climbs.

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