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Hamberg and Feldkirchen bei Graz Road Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Strassgang

Exploring the scenic Hamberg and Feldkirchen bei Graz


Experience the beauty of Hamberg and Feldkirchen bei Graz with this road cycling route. Enjoy breathtaking views and discover the historical and cultural attractions along the way. This route offers a moderate level of difficulty, making it suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. With a score of 4 out of 5 for epicness, it promises to be a memorable journey. Highlights of the route include the scenic town of Gries, Lustbühel with its panoramic views, and the picturesque village of Pirching am Traubenberg.

79 km
1179 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.
Straßgang is a locality in Steiermark, Austria that offers a moderate experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area has some scenic routes with rolling hills and rural landscapes, making it suitable for leisurely rides. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Straßgang provides a pleasant cycling experience for cyclists looking for a relaxed ride.
Explore the scenic town of Gries and discover its beautiful architecture and vibrant atmosphere.
Lustbühel490 mPeak
Visit Lustbühel and take in the breathtaking panoramic views from this elevated vantage point.
Blick zur RiegersburgViewpoint
Enjoy a scenic view of the iconic Riegersburg Castle from Blick zur Riegersburg lookout point.
Nestelbach bei GrazVillage
Explore the charming village of Nestelbach bei Graz and experience its cozy cafes and cultural attractions.
Sankt Marein bei GrazVillage
Discover the beauty of Sankt Marein bei Graz and its picturesque surroundings.
Hamberg420 mPeak
Take a break at Hamberg and admire the beautiful landscapes surrounding the area.
Traubenberg452 mPeak
Cycle through Traubenberg and enjoy picturesque views of its charming landscapes and cultural attractions.
Pirching am TraubenbergVillage
Experience the charm of Pirching am Traubenberg, a picturesque town with a vibrant atmosphere.
Feldkirchen bei GrazVillage
Visit Feldkirchen bei Graz and explore its beautiful architecture, rich history, and cultural heritage.
Stop by the Gemeinschaftsterrasse and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Finish: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.

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