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The Straßgang Ascent

A road cycling route starting from Strassgang

Conquer the challenging ascent of Straßgang and enjoy stunning views along the way.


Embark on the Straßgang Ascent, a demanding cycling route that offers a thrilling challenge to avid cyclists. With an elevation gain of 1180 meters over a distance of 59 kilometers, this route pushes your limits and rewards you with breathtaking views of the surrounding Steiermark landscape. The route begins near Straßgang and takes you on a scenic journey through picturesque villages and vibrant countryside.

59 km
1180 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.
Straßgang is a locality in Steiermark, Austria that offers a moderate experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area has some scenic routes with rolling hills and rural landscapes, making it suitable for leisurely rides. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Straßgang provides a pleasant cycling experience for cyclists looking for a relaxed ride.
Buchkogel658 mPeak
Located 3 kilometers into the route, Buchkogel provides a serene resting spot and an opportunity to admire the sweeping vistas extended over the Steiermark region.
Schloss PlankenwarthCastle
After covering 12 kilometers, you'll come across Schloss Plankenwarth, a beautiful castle surrounded by lush gardens. Explore the historic grounds and take in the charm of this cultural landmark.
At the 26-kilometer mark, you'll arrive at Deutschfeistritz, a vibrant town that hosts lively festivals and events throughout the year. Take a break and indulge in some local cuisine at one of the charming restaurants.
Draxlerkogel806 mPeak
As you approach the 32-kilometer point, you'll encounter Draxlerkogel, a small hill offering panoramic views of the majestic Steiermark mountains. Catch your breath and snap some memorable photos.
It's hard to miss Stattegg at the 45-kilometer mark, a quaint village known for its traditional architecture and warm hospitality. Take a moment to explore the charming streets before continuing your cycling adventure.
Reinerkogel501 mPeak
Reinerkogel awaits you at the 50-kilometer mark, providing a brief respite from the challenging route. Enjoy the serenity of the rolling hills and soak in the natural beauty of the surroundings.
Straßgang itself marks the endpoint of this exhilarating cycling experience. Reflect on your achievement as you relax in the town and bask in the satisfaction of conquering the Straßgang Ascent.
Finish: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.

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