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Straßgang - Feldkirchen bei Graz Loop

A road cycling route starting from Strassgang

Exploring the picturesque countryside near Straßgang


This round-trip cycling route takes you through the beautiful countryside near Straßgang, offering stunning views and charming towns along the way. With a total distance of 84 kilometers and an ascent of 1181 meters, this route is moderately challenging and perfect for well-trained amateurs. Starting from Straßgang, you'll pass by highlights such as Schlossberg, Graz, and Laßnitzhöhe before reaching Feldkirchen bei Graz. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the region and discover its rich history and culture.

84 km
1181 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.
Straßgang is a locality in Steiermark, Austria that offers a moderate experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area has some scenic routes with rolling hills and rural landscapes, making it suitable for leisurely rides. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Straßgang provides a pleasant cycling experience for cyclists looking for a relaxed ride.
Schlossberg474 mPeak
Schlossberg is a historic hill in Graz, offering panoramic views of the city. Climb up to the Uhrturm clock tower and explore the beautiful gardens and paths.
Graz, the second-largest city in Austria and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases stunning architecture and cultural landmarks. Take a leisurely ride through the city streets and admire the diverse attractions.
Laßnitzhöhe is a charming town known for its thermal spa. Take a break and relax in the soothing waters, rejuvenating your body and soul.
Blick zur RiegersburgViewpoint
Blick zur Riegersburg offers breathtaking views of the iconic Riegersburg Castle. Stop by and marvel at the medieval stronghold perched on top of a steep volcanic hill.
Petersdorf IIVillage
Petersdorf II is a small village with an old-world charm. Explore its narrow streets and traditional houses, immersing yourself in the local culture.
Hochegg472 mPeak
Hochegg is a picturesque hill with scenic viewpoints over the surrounding landscape. Take a moment to soak in the beauty of the countryside and capture some stunning photos.
Traubenberg452 mPeak
Traubenberg is a tranquil hill offering serene nature trails. Enjoy the peaceful ambiance and take a refreshing break amidst the lush greenery.
Heiligenkreuz am WaasenVillage
Heiligenkreuz am Waasen is a charming village known for its beautiful church. Pay a visit and admire the architecture, enjoying moments of tranquility.
Feldkirchen bei GrazVillage
Feldkirchen bei Graz is a historic town with a vibrant atmosphere. Explore its narrow lanes, visit local shops, and partake in the region's gastronomic delights.
Finish: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.

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