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Straßgang - Graz Loop

A road cycling route starting from Strassgang

Discover the cultural heritage of Graz


Embark on a cycling adventure through Straßgang and explore the rich cultural heritage of Graz. This round-trip route covers a distance of 96 kilometers and includes an ascent of 1623 meters, making it moderately challenging. Starting from Straßgang, you'll pass by highlights such as Hubertushöhe, Gratkorn, and Kugelstein before reaching Graz. Immerse yourself in the historical charm of the city and discover its vibrant arts scene, architectural marvels, and lively atmosphere.

96 km
1623 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.
Straßgang is a locality in Steiermark, Austria that offers a moderate experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area has some scenic routes with rolling hills and rural landscapes, making it suitable for leisurely rides. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Straßgang provides a pleasant cycling experience for cyclists looking for a relaxed ride.
Hubertushöhe562 mPeak
Hubertushöhe is a panoramic viewpoint that offers stunning vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Take a moment to admire the natural beauty and capture the awe-inspiring scenery.
Gratkorn is a small town nestled in a scenic valley. Discover its rich history and visit the local landmarks that reflect its heritage.
Kugelstein538 mPeak
Kugelstein is a historic landmark known for its unique spherical rock formations. Marvel at the geological wonders and learn about their formation.
Frohnleiten is a charming market town famous for its colorful houses and well-preserved historic buildings. Take a stroll through the picturesque streets and experience its enchanting ambiance.
Heuberg941 mPeak
Heuberg is a picturesque hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Enjoy the serene atmosphere and take a moment of quiet contemplation.
Tyrnau is a charming village with traditional architecture and beautiful landscapes. Explore its narrow streets and immerse yourself in the local culture and way of life.
Fladnitz an der TeichalmVillage
Fladnitz an der Teichalm is a small town located in the scenic countryside. Take a break and enjoy the idyllic beauty of the area, which is known for its lakes and hiking trails.
Fuchskogel1060 mPeak
Fuchskogel is a majestic hill known for its panoramic views. Ascend to its summit and be rewarded with breathtaking vistas stretching as far as the eye can see.
Weinitzen is a charming village rich in cultural heritage. Visit its historic landmarks and experience the traditional way of life in this idyllic rural setting.
Hauenstein650 mPeak
Hauenstein is a market town nestled amidst picturesque landscapes. Explore its quaint streets, visit local taverns, and savor the regional delicacies.
Schlossberg474 mPeak
Schlossberg is a historic hill in Graz, offering panoramic views of the city. Climb up to the Uhrturm clock tower and explore the beautiful gardens and paths.
Graz, the second-largest city in Austria and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases stunning architecture and cultural landmarks. Take a leisurely ride through the city streets and admire the diverse attractions.
Finish: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.

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