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Straßgang - Schloss Sankt Martin Loop

A road cycling route starting from Strassgang

A journey through history and natural beauty


Experience a perfect blend of history and natural beauty as you cycle through the captivating landscapes near Straßgang. This round-trip route covers a distance of 83 kilometers and includes an ascent of 1670 meters, making it a challenging yet fulfilling adventure. Starting from Straßgang, you'll pass by highlights such as Dobl, Oisnitzberg, and Rassach before reaching Schloss Sankt Martin. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of the region and revel in the breathtaking vistas that nature has to offer.

83 km
1670 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.
Straßgang is a locality in Steiermark, Austria that offers a moderate experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area has some scenic routes with rolling hills and rural landscapes, making it suitable for leisurely rides. However, there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby. Overall, Straßgang provides a pleasant cycling experience for cyclists looking for a relaxed ride.
Dobl is a charming village known for its beautiful architecture and picturesque landscapes. Take a leisurely ride through its streets and soak in the tranquil ambiance.
Oisnitzberg403 mPeak
Oisnitzberg is a scenic hill offering panoramic views of the rolling countryside. Marvel at the patchwork of green fields and peaceful atmosphere.
Rassach is a serene village surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Enjoy the quiet beauty and connect with nature in this idyllic setting.
Stainzer WarteViewpoint
Stainzer Warte is a lookout tower overlooking the stunning Styrian landscape. Climb to the top and be rewarded with breathtaking vistas of vineyards and rolling hills.
Greisdorf is a traditional village known for its rich heritage and cultural landmarks. Wander through its streets and discover charming corners filled with history.
Hitzendorf is a picturesque village surrounded by vineyards and lush greenery. Explore its scenic paths, visit local wineries, and taste the region's finest wines.
Buchkogel658 mPeak
Buchkogel offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscapes. Ascend to its peak and be rewarded with awe-inspiring panoramas stretching as far as the eye can see.
Schloss Sankt MartinCastle
Schloss Sankt Martin is a majestic castle with a rich history. Explore the elegant interiors and stroll through the sprawling gardens, stepping back in time to a bygone era.
Finish: Locality center
Straßgang: Cycling in Straßgang - Enjoy the scenic routes of this Steiermark locality.

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