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Exploring the Ligurian seaside and mountainous trails

A gravel cycling route starting from Albenga

Experience the best of Liguria's coast and mountains on this gravel route


This round-trip cycling route starting near Albenga takes you on a diverse adventure through the stunning Ligurian landscape. From coastal towns to scenic mountain trails, you'll experience the region's beauty like never before. With a moderate difficulty level, this 43-kilometer route provides a great balance between enjoyment and challenge, making it suitable for well-trained amateurs. Along the way, you'll encounter historic landmarks, beautiful nature spots, and breathtaking views.

43 km
930 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.
Albenga is a vibrant town located in the Liguria region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the mix of flat roads and rolling hills in this area. Albenga itself has a historic center with narrow streets and medieval buildings, perfect for exploring after a ride. Nearby, you can tackle challenging climbs such as the Colle San Bernardo and Colle dei Mulini. The region offers a mix of coastal and inland routes, providing cyclists with various options depending on their preferences. Albenga also has cycling-friendly services such as bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Albenga is a fantastic destination for cyclists looking for history, culture, and diverse cycling routes.
Albenga is a charming coastal town with a rich history. Explore its historic center and admire the medieval towers that dominate the skyline.
Monte Marchiano171 mPeak
Monte Marchiano offers a challenging uphill ride through dense forests, rewarding you with panoramic views once at the top. Don't miss the opportunity to experience this scenic beauty.
Salto nel BluViewpoint
Salto nel Blu is a hidden gem nestled in the Ligurian mountains. As you cycle through this area, take a moment to admire the stunning turquoise pools and gentle waterfalls.
Andora is a picturesque coastal town with beautiful sandy beaches. It's a perfect spot to take a break, go for a swim, or enjoy some fresh seafood cuisine.
Monte Bignone523 mPeak
Monte Bignone is the highest peak in the Albenga region, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Ligurian coastline. It's worth the climb for the majestic vistas.
Finish: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.

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