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The Hilly Countryside Road Cycling Expedition

A road cycling route starting from Albenga

Embark on a challenging adventure through the hilly countryside of Liguria


Prepare for a thrilling ride through the hilly countryside of Liguria, as you tackle challenging ascents and soak in the beauty of this mesmerizing region. With a total distance of 94 km and an elevation gain of 2107 meters, this road cycling route offers a rewarding experience for well-trained amateurs. Highlights along the route include Croce di Conscente, Zuccarello, Monte Spinarda, and Toirano. Stop by Croce di Conscente to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding hillsides and venture into Zuccarello, a picturesque medieval village known for its ancient castle and charming alleys.

94 km
2107 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.
Albenga is a vibrant town located in the Liguria region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the mix of flat roads and rolling hills in this area. Albenga itself has a historic center with narrow streets and medieval buildings, perfect for exploring after a ride. Nearby, you can tackle challenging climbs such as the Colle San Bernardo and Colle dei Mulini. The region offers a mix of coastal and inland routes, providing cyclists with various options depending on their preferences. Albenga also has cycling-friendly services such as bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Albenga is a fantastic destination for cyclists looking for history, culture, and diverse cycling routes.
Croce di Conscente307 mPeak
Enjoy the scenic surroundings from Croce di Conscente, an idyllic viewpoint offering sweeping views of the hilly countryside.
Discover Zuccarello, a historic village defined by its medieval charm and its beautifully preserved stone houses.
Pass by Cerisola, a small hamlet tucked away in the countryside, offering a peaceful and scenic atmosphere.
Colle San Bernardo957 mMountain Pass
Take on the challenging ascent to Colle San Bernardo, rewarded with stunning views of the rolling hills.
Cycle through Priola, a charming village surrounded by vineyards and orchards, known for its traditional Ligurian cuisine.
Monte Spinarda1357 mPeak
Stop at Monte Spinarda and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the hilltop, savouring the stunning panoramic vistas.
Explore Bardineto, a picturesque hillside town with captivating alleyways and a rich history.
Monte Maglione813 mPeak
Venture to Monte Maglione, a breath-taking mountain providing magnificent views of the Ligurian countryside.
Toirano is a scenic village that deserves exploration, with its beautiful architecture and a fascinating underground cave network.
Monte Piccaro281 mPeak
Situated atop Monte Piccaro, take a moment to enjoy the panoramic splendor and immerse yourself in the serenity of the surroundings.
Finish: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.

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