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Cycling through Ligurian countryside and medieval villages

A gravel cycling route starting from Albenga

Explore the charming towns and history of Liguria on this gravel route


This scenic round-trip cycling route near Albenga takes you through picturesque landscapes and charming, medieval villages. The gravel roads provide a great mix of off-road adventure and cultural exploration. Along the way, you will climb high hills and experience breathtaking views of the Ligurian countryside. The route is moderate in difficulty, suitable for well-trained amateurs. With a length of 87 kilometers and an ascent of 2455 meters, it offers a rewarding challenge for cyclists.

87 km
2455 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.
Albenga is a vibrant town located in the Liguria region of Italy. Cyclists will appreciate the mix of flat roads and rolling hills in this area. Albenga itself has a historic center with narrow streets and medieval buildings, perfect for exploring after a ride. Nearby, you can tackle challenging climbs such as the Colle San Bernardo and Colle dei Mulini. The region offers a mix of coastal and inland routes, providing cyclists with various options depending on their preferences. Albenga also has cycling-friendly services such as bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Albenga is a fantastic destination for cyclists looking for history, culture, and diverse cycling routes.
Cisano sul NevaVillage
Cisano sul Neva is a beautiful town located on the banks of the Neva River. Stop here to admire its historic buildings and enjoy a relaxing break.
Rocca Liverna552 mPeak
Rocca Liverna is a must-visit medieval fortress offering stunning panoramic views over the surrounding landscape. Its unique architecture and history will leave you captivated.
Nasino is a small village surrounded by stunning natural scenery. Take a moment to appreciate the peaceful atmosphere and transparent mountain streams.
Truc Berengero1394 mPeak
Truc Berengero is a striking rock formation that will impress you with its unusual shape. It serves as an extraordinary viewpoint, revealing an enchanting view of the valleys below.
Garessio is a picturesque village perched on a hillside. Explore its narrow streets, admire its historical buildings, and taste the delicious local cuisine.
Monte Cianea1226 mPeak
Monte Cianea offers a breathtaking ascent rewarded with magnificent views of the Ligurian Alps. Capture this picturesque area on camera or simply immerse yourself in the stunning natural surroundings.
Rocca Barbena1141 mPeak
Rocca Barbena is a medieval village known for its well-preserved stone houses and fortified walls. Enjoy a walk along its ancient streets and soak up the rich history and atmosphere of the place.
Balestrino is a fascinating ghost town that was abandoned due to land instability. It now stands as a hauntingly beautiful reminder of the region's past.
Monte Piccaro281 mPeak
Monte Piccaro offers breathtaking views over the Gulf of Genoa and the Ligurian Alps. Take a moment to rest and enjoy the serene landscape before continuing your journey.
Ceriale is a charming coastal town with beautiful sandy beaches and a lively waterfront promenade. Take a break from cycling and relax on the beach or enjoy some local seafood cuisine.
Finish: Albenga City center
Albenga: A mix of history, coastal beauty, and cycling routes in Albenga.

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